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07, 07, 2020

Ziya's Pov

As i exited the HR cabin with tears brimming at the corner of my eyes and my lips quivering on my way towards the exist of the building it was quite an embarrassing moment of my life, all of the employees on my way out or I should say majority of them I passed give me a sympathetic mocking gaze , while laughing erupted throughout the office.

As I hit the door I couldn't control my emotions anymore I let the tears flow I don't care about my appearance, I don't care about my state. I just let the tears flow while my sobs were quiet loud.
A bench was nearby I saw it and was thankful for a place to rest, I took a seat to control my shaking body from the crying which over took me due to disappointment and embarrassment, I let it all out.
I wasted a good amount of my time only to be disappointed I thought or rather know is a fact.

Ik i probably sound rude back there but seriously she could have at least given me a chance for humans sake!
Hell yes, i know I'm capable of handling that job.
After composing my self a few minutes later, I assured myself "Ziya be brave this is all in the hands of Allah swt, you will get past this just like you got pass all those hurdles." Remember, "Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear."

Across the road I spot a tiny cafe my throat felt dry from all those crying , it's lunch time I felt so hungry, thirsty and weak at the moment
My card is literally almost dry I also have to grab some groceries on my way home but right now I need some engery to atleast get myself home.

I quickly made my way across the road and entered the little cafeteria . As I entered the cafe , the fresh scent of coffe hits my nostrils .
I went up to the counter an place my order for a coffe.

The cafe was quite pack I needed some time away from attention. I've
spotted a seat at the back of the cafe away from the crowded area. I made my way towards the back of the cafe.
As I was seated, I sip away the hot coffee . The burning liquid immediatealy blisters my lips , the pain I've just experienced from the burn is nothing compared to that of the pain in my heart .
Even tho i know Allah swt is the one who is in control my mind couldn't help but wandering off to "how am I gonna make it through this ?

"Where do I apply?"

"What do I say to my mom and siblings?

"I have a family to feed."

All those thoughts ran through my mind.

"Ya Allah please help me ,"I called out to my lord making a little dua looking upwards .

I'm the sole bread winner of my home
Due to my mom's depression she can't bring herself to work she gets too emotional at time and loses her focus .

You must he wondering why she is depressed and Why was my sister crying?


It was supposed to be a happy day for us, well it was a happy day and even up to the night before he arrived we all were having a nice time, everyone was very much excitedly awaiting for his arrival. But his arrival brought merely sorrow for us. He angrily called out to my mom . We all rushed out from the kitchen towards the hall where we found him with a women clinging onto his arm and a few sheets of papers were present in his other hand .
My mom began tearing up , well from the looks of it she knew he probably planned on leaving her . Anyways he threw the divorce papers into my mom's face on the night of my 14th birthday .. She went down on her knees begging him to reconsider his decision and give their marriage a chance . but he demanded my mom to signed the papers, she had to comply he didn't had any sympathy for us. He made sure our bags were packed by the maids.
Even tho we all cried and begged him not to take the step.
My sis was more affected by his behavior she was merely a little girl. Only 8 years of age she begged him for her dear life while he pushed her away and threw us out of his mansion and his life.

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