The final battle

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If any MINOS member saw her, they would claim that they saw a freaky alien. She is in her full form, with an alien mouth that has a second jaw and clawed feet.

The sultry alien vigilante crawls in the ceiling, searching. Not to play with her prey, though if she wanted too, she could pick them off one by one and cocoon them in resin. But there is no time to prey upon her enemies as she has a task of collecting some sort of secret data among other things.

She kept herself in the shadows, looking around in the hallways of the big secret hideout. You could easily get lost in it if there wasn't a map.

Wherever Danforth is, she assumed that he is trying to collect explosives, killing if he needs with his archery skills that are average at best. The fact that he can take care of himself gives her less worry and more enjoyment crawling around with her wonderful suit.

After searching in different hallways, vents, and a couple different floors she finds a special map that gives more detail. Most importantly where the data room is.

She crawls through ventilation shafts until she finally reaches the data room and waits to study the room.

There's a few watching inside the room, one of which is on the computer with multiple monitors, and she sees some USB device that could be useful in collecting data or could be the device that holds some sensitive data.

"I find it hard to believe that there is this club for those with superpowers." One of them said.

"Yeah, some club too. Which makes me wonder, could the big boss want to destroy that club? I have no doubt that there are quite a few pervs in our team that would want to see what it's all about." The one in the computer said.

This "Club" makes her curious, but she stays focused with getting the data. Judging by the room, she needs to get a couple to get out of the room for a minute or two so she can take down a few bad guys.

She crawls backwards a bit before she hisses really loudly.

"What was that?" Someone asked inside the data room.

"I don't know, a rat?" The second one guessed.

"Uh, yeah. A rat on steroids!" The same guy shouted; a bit nervous.

"You two, come with me, we'll be outside the for 2 minutes." The lieutenant ordered as the 3 exits the room to see if anything suspicious is going on outside.

Xenowoman then crawls forward and uses her enhanced strength to push part of the ventilation open and then she drops down on all fours.

Before one of them could react, she pounces said guard while simultaneously opening her first jaw and after pinning the guard down she spits resin before the guard could scream for help.

Due to it squirming and slamming its hands and feet on the floor another guard is confused with him making noise. He walks over to check out what's going on since the guard out of view.

The resin spreads around his body and solidify into a thick cocoon as the guard stopped moving. When she peaks out to see the second guard walking over, she flexed her fingers a bit and then closed her right hand into a fist before the second guard comes around the corner and she punches him so hard he gets knocked out.

Now there's only one left to deal with before the other three comes back, she walks to the computer from behind and wraps her tail around the last guy. He struggles to fruitlessly get the tail off her neck but when she turns him around to look at her, he frozen in fear at the sight of an eyeless monster with metallic toothy grin.

She opens her mouth wide before her second jaw launches out and once again spits resin at the third guy after unwrapping her tail in a millisecond. As the resin spreads, she looks at the door and she remember that the second guard she knocked out is the only one not cocooned.

She picks up the third guard and puts it right beside the first one and quickly places the unconscious second guard and puts him in the chair before running to the door as she jumps and claws onto the wall before three guards come back into the room.

As the door closes, she drops down and swipes her tail at the 4th guard's legs, tripping him before she stomps at his face, knocking him out. She then pounced at the Lieutenant and wraps her tails at the final guard of the room and cocoons the Lieutenant.

Before Xenowoman punches the woman very hard to knock her out as the guard fall into the floor.

She puts the second guard's body to the floor so she could sit down and see what's on the computer as she takes off her mask.

There are some files from the USB, some of which are ACTUALLY of seegson. It turns out they stole some files and blueprints and is in the process of transferring them to HQ. It isn't complete yet and while she could unplug the USB, she doesn't do it yet just in case it could raise some suspicion.

Aviana quickly looks through other files and uses the search bar to see if there's a location of the MINOS HQ. Thankfully, there is a map that reveals the location, and she copies the file to the USB and unplugs it, canceling the transfer process.

She remembers the whole "Club" talk and she searches to see if there is a file about it or if it's in the USB, she plugs the USB back into the computer and uses the search bar to find that there is a club.

"A club for super beings huh?" She asked himself.

She opens the file and reads through it a bit. What she read causes her to widen her eyes and gasp in surprise before she continues to read and even finds a map the reveals the location.

"Oh... yeah..." She smiled, clearly happy at what she saw. She then continues reading through a bit and smirked. "Hmm... I'm think I may have a great job that'll last nearly two decades..." She said before unplugging the USB and putting the mask back on.

She heads to the door and takes a peak to see if she can out a different way, but to answer her question, there's a camera that moves left and right. But strangely, before it could spot her, the small red light that meant that the camera is one is suddenly turned off along with the camera which stopped moving.


In the security room, the main reason why the camera near the data room shuts down is because the one watching the cameras gets killed and smashed his head to one of the monitors.

"Oh... I got a taste for terrorist blood..." Danforth sang a bit before laughing softly. "Gosh, I'm a psycho."

He takes a look at some cameras to see if there's any explosives he could use. After a few clicks one of the cameras looks at the weapons room. After looking at which floor it's at, he's about to take off when he looks at a weapon from one of the dead guards. The design of the weapon is a samurai sword, sheathed.

"Hey... the prototype shock sword." He muttered. He paused to think about whether or not he'll take the sword. "I got plenty of weapons and it's good enough to save ammo..." He then shakes his head. "Bah... I'll take it and keep it at the cabin just in case." He said as he picks up the shock sword and leaves to get explosives.

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