Chapter 6

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It was a sudden urge to clear his choked mouth that caused him to regain a state of near consciousness.

He couldn't hear any sound apart from his laboured breathing, couldn't discern up or down of anything, but he felt something hard beneath his face. After a moment, he got hold of his bearings.

His neck felt stiff. He was laying face down on the cold hard surface. His lips felt something of an odd mixture of dry and wet.

When he tried opening his eyes, he was nearly overwhelmed by the fear and the sense of dread and helplessness he felt as the void of nothing-ness swallowed him whole and it almost drove him to the edge of sanity.

His throat went dry, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest and his heartbeat racing further.

My eyes are gone

He instinctively brought his arms and placed them on his face just so he could feel his touch.

Ignoring the prickle of pain that shot through all his arm and shoulder which such quick movement brought, he shakingly felt every part of his face except for his eyes as he cupped his hands over them, covering them completely.

I can't see anymore

It was like a switch has been turned off that completely took away his visual sense.

It's in body's nature to reassure themselves after a loss of vital sense of information gathering, to compensate with the help of other senses. In this case, his body was instinctively reassuring him with the sense of touch to gather information.

But before he could mourn for his loss of vision, he could feel the build-up in his body, his inside's were quivering.

Suddenly feeling the urge to vomit, he instinctively brought his hands to his mouth.

Shuting his eyelids, scrunching up his face tight in pain, he bore it through gritted teeth.

Placing one of his hand on the groud, he heaved and turned himself on his side and hacked out, while the other hand covered his mouth.

His whole body shook with the effort. It felt as if numerous sharpened hot kunai's were stabbing his throat and chest over and over.

He felt the warm liquid in his hands as they leaked through his fingers. He had an eerie suspicion that it would be mixture of blood and his inside juices as he doubted he had anything in his body to put out other than that.

When the last of the coughs left his body, he manuvered himself back to his previous position and let himself simply... be.

It was silent. The air was still. He took gulp of air through his mouth. Suddenly, he was accosted with the whirlwind that were his memories.


He placed his hand on his eyes again, 'or where they should be'  his mind provided. The panic settled in him again, but he gritted his teeth and held out this time.


I remember now.

He had set things in motion such so Sasuke would inevitably take his eyes. That made it easier to deal with it atleast.

Yet, it mattered not anymore.

None of it.

He was tired.



Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

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