Chapter 20

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I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Tina has become even more of an extroverted person since I was gone, although her personal circle is rather small, the number of guests present here are uncountable. I keep losing count at around 203-204 every time. And they are only the first of a whole group.

I sigh, picking at a thread hanging loose from the red saree I am wearing. I feel weirdly outcast. At my own best friend's wedding.

"You look joyful"

I look up in surprise.

Robbie looks back at me, two glasses of champagne in his hands.

He smiles as he offers one to me.

I hesitate but shake my head no.

He shrugs, "Suit yourself" he places one of the glasses on a passing by waiter's tray.

He looks back at me as he takes a sip of champagne from his own glass, "So?..."

I shift my face slightly forward as I peer sideways before looking at him, "So?"

He laughs, "What's up with you, you look like a lost lamb."

"Ha ha" I roll my eyes, yet smiling as I look up at him.

He looks different somehow.

"Forget me, what's up with you?" I question, Robbie seems a lot different from how he used to be three years back.

He smiles mysteriously but gives me a thoughtful look and finally, "Tina happened."

I smile, "So Tina is the reason behind this new-found persona."

"Spending time with her eventually rubbed off on me and here we are" he spreads his arms wide to further emphasise his point.

"She managed to do what Rahul couldn't" I add questioningly.

He stares at me knowingly as he downs his champagne, "They're both important to me and they've both contributed to my character in different ways."

I shift my weight on the other foot at his words.

"And you are too" he adds, before continuing, "I hope you know that, I couldn't imagine my life without any of you."

I nod absentmindedly as a heaviness settles over my chest, even Robbie, someone who I barely interacted with three years ago cared for me, where did that place me? An egoistical, selfish woman that not once turned back to check on the people who cared for her and who she cared for?

And all of a sudden, a glass of champagne doesn't seem that bad.

Robbie seems to have realised that something is up, so when I excuse myself by saying I need to go out for a bit to get some fresh air, he doesn't object.

He simply nods his head at me, "I need to go greet some guests with Tina anyway, if there's any issues, you know you can reach out to us" he smiles before walking away.

I stay rooted at the spot, us, it had been a while since I'd truly been happy and this one conversation has brought that happiness back.

— — — — — —

The gardens are unsurprisingly, crowded as well, a little less than the hall but crowded still.

I walk around for a bit and realise that the further I walk from the hall, the less people I run into, it seems that the crowd is gathered around the hall.

I heave a sigh of relief as I breathe in air and can only smell the pollen in the air, no smell of alcohol permeates my nostrils any longer, no aftertaste of alcohol I didn't consume choking my throat.

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