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A/N: Poating before my wife's birthday dinner! Sorry it's late!!!!

TW: Addiction, Alcohol, and talks of.


Ugh, don't tell me. I left it downstairs.

Suddenly I hear and feel a buzzing noise in the bed.

Wait, is that buzzing my phone? I rummage through the bed, looking for the source of the buzzing before finding it.

It's not my phone. It's Y/N's. Before my better judgment got a hold of me, I look at the phone screen. "Oh shit!" I yell out and cover my mouth to silence myself. I look to Y/N to see if I woke her, but she's hard asleep. The phone buzzes in my hand again.

Y/N didn't text Sam.
She texted her.
She texted Lizzie.

I throw Y/N's phone down on the bed.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." I repeatedly whisper in a hushed tone as I run my hands through my hair. She did it. She fucking did it.

But.. but why?

Did I do something wrong?

I turn my eyes towards the flip-over phone before I move my gaze to the Rotten Egg next to me. I know she had a fantastic time with Lizzie a couple of nights ago, and they feel this connection between the two of them, but... I'm here...

I know what I feel right now. Or I think I do? Ugh, I shouldn't have drank tonight.

I pull my legs into my chest as I plant my elbows on the tips of my knees. I run a hand through my hair again as I try to think about what's happening.

"I can't believe this."

I reach out for the phone that has fallen silent. I hover my hand above it. Afraid of what will happen if I grab it and flip it over. I look at the passed-out troublemaker next to me. "Damn it." I let out, holding the phone and turning it towards me.

Thank goodness for password protection. Because, for one thing, I can't see the texts Liz has sent back. I only see her contact name and the notification that she sent multiple texts. Multiple! Plus, a part of me. The bad part of me really wants to know what Y/N sent...

I stare at the brick in my hand. Apart of me wants to try and guess over and over what her password could be, but I'm better than that. Also, that's like how to get someone to distrust you 101. Go through their phone. I am not going to do it to Y/N.

Without weighing out all my options, I take her phone to her side of the bed. I plug it into one of the extra chargers I have and set it down on her end table. I bring myself back to my side of the bed, trying to enjoy the cooled-down mac and cheese I made. But at this point, I've lost my appetite. I move the bowl onto my end table and look at the passed-out woman next to me.

With my mind spinning, it seems to slow down when I look at my Rotten Egg.

"Do you have any idea what you did tonight?"

Of course, I got no response, but still, the question had to be asked.


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