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"Hey, there you are!"

"Sorry the afternoon meeting ran long, and then I decided to stay late to try and finish up some production- you know what? That's not important. How's my Rotten Egg?"

I laugh into the phone as I stand up and pace around my bedroom. Isn't that funny how we just can't seem to focus on a simple phone call? Why do we always have to be doing something while on the phone? Wait, is that just me? Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Anyways. It's been about a couple of weeks since it was take your friend to work day with Mary-Kate, and things have been going very well with us. Yes, even after Ash started to grill me at lunch. Turns out that, yes, I had indeed watched their films growing up and had to cover my face in embarrassment when I began to be teased.

Anyways. How well have things been going for Mary-Kate Olsen and I? It's been an I get lost in her blue eyes kind of well.

It's a little random, but I think her favorite spot at my place is my small dining room table. Over the last couple of weeks, she's been over more than a couple of nights for my cooking well and me, but even after the dishes are long gone, we find ourselves parked at the table just talking, getting to know each other more and more or letting the silence fall between us as we get lost into our own things.

Hers is work, and mine is writing—something I haven't done in a while.

But that's for another time.

So yes, it's safe to say that my cooking has gotten better, and I actually feel confident that I won't burn myself or the apartment down.

But I think my favorite spot is quickly becoming anywhere as long as MK is next to me. So as of right now, that spot is in the middle of my couch. Usually, when it's too late, and our butts start hurting from the dining room chairs, we go to the couch and watch whatever comes to our hearts. For some reason, the other night, it was Blades of Glory, but I ain't fighting it.

Most of the time, though, instead of watching whatever show or movie we put on, I watch her. Every angle of her is soft and gorgeous. Does she catch me looking at her? All the time. And it's always the same reaction. It's her telling me to watch the tv instead, and I always reply with a cheesy line that results in a shove and her turning red from being embarrassed.

She consistently fails to hide the smile on her face, though.

But it hasn't all been easy or straightforward.

For instance, we still haven't crossed that line between us. And no, I'm not talking about the sex line.

We haven't crossed that either, but I'm talking about the label line. So right now, it seems like we're playing this game of who is going to ask the other person first.

I've tried.

My most recent time was this past Monday. After another long day at work, Mary-Kate decided to stop by my place even though it was out of the way for her. Literally opposite direction of her place and farther from her work. But she came over.

It was already past some people's bedtimes by the time she came knocking at my door. I opened the door and my arms to her with a smile and wearing her favorite hoodie of mine.

Anyways being the good friend that's a girl, I made her a late-night meal with a water, and a pint of Ben & Jerry's to follow. While she scooped her favorite ice cream, the words were on the tip of my tongue. So I went for it, only to be interrupted by a phone call from Ash. She took the call, but by the time she was done, I had gotten inside my head and was scared to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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