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A/N: Sorry this is late! I was feeling sick and binged White Lotus Season 1 lmao.

TW: Alcohol, Addiction


Monday morning. Walking into the office today was about as awful as every other time I've disappointed my sister. While her office is only across the hall from mine, it might as well feel likes it's across the globe.

That's how far away I feel on those days. Days like today.

I made it a point to get her early to try and catch up/help out in any way I could. But it looks like my sister didn't sleep this weekend, as just about every task I could've done is completed. I sigh and get up from my chair and walk out to greet my assistant, Ruby. Ruby started as an intern a few years back and quickly proved herself. Ash and I didn't make it easy for her or anyone involved with our '17 collection, but the all-nighters and a lot of overworking Ruby made a name for herself. Of course, she was instantly brought into the fold and was given time to recuperate. We're not monsters. Plus, after that, I called dibs and made her my Personal Assistant. Let's face it she's the only person to get my coffee right 100% of the time.


The short woman turns away from her computer and faces me. "Yes, Ms. Olsen?" I frown a bit at the response. Formalities have been thrown out the window for the last two years, so why the change? "Could you email my schedule for this week and double-check with Ash that the meeting for Thursday is still happening? She hasn't gotten back to me." I know why.

"Of course, Ms. Olsen. I'll send it over immediately and contact Chelsea (Ash's PA) if I can not get in touch with Ash." Hmm, Ash didn't get called Ms. Olsen.

"Thank you, Ruby." I turn away from her desk and make my way back to my office. I'm about to cross the doorway when I lean my head back to Ruby. "Rubes?"

"Yes, Ms. Olsen?"

"Stop the formalities," I say with a stern smile. "Of course," Ruby replies with a tight-lipped smile making me give one back before entering my office and closing the door behind me. I sigh as I lean back into my very comfy office chair. The day just got started, and I'm already done.

I pull myself together and go through emails. I'm skimming through a ton of junk and business opportunities that Ash thinks sound like a waste of time, but I'm not sure. Sure, TikTok may not sound like the most exciting thing, but you'd be surprised.

As I continue, I get a pop-up from Ruby with my alternated schedule for this week. Aside from work over the weekend, it looks like Ash took it upon herself to move some of the things I was supposed to do. Honestly, I don't know why I'm surprised. She does this every time I've made that mistake. Even though I don't know how often I feel like I've proven myself, I guess it won't matter.

I don't matter.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I feel my face start to shake. I let go of my desk as I take a second to just breathe. In and out. In and out.

"You matter. You matter." It's a mantra, if you will. At the group, I go to, we were each tasked with providing one for ourselves. No one knows each others. It might be simple, but those two words mean more to me than any three-word phrase ever could.

My office phone ringing breaks me out from my exercise. I take one last breath and wipe my face. I clear my throat and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Ms.- Mary Kate. I just got off the phone with Chelsea. As far as she knows, the meeting on Thursday is still on, but the time has been changed from 3 to 11."

Outside Looking in with Mary-Kate Olsen: An Inside Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon