interview or quest?

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Taehyung stood in front of the coffee shop's mirror looking at himself in the suits Jin gave him. It was a little bigger than his size. Jin came to him to see how it looks on him.

"Ooh... look at you. It suites you even more than me." Jin mouthed while he was fixing taehyung's tie. "Don't be nervous ok? you've got this. " Jin smiled and pressed taehyung's shoulder a little.

"Thanks hyung. Actually I do have stress after all this is the first time I'm going to an interview. "
Taehyung said and actually it was obvious from his face.

"Ok ok it's going to be late you gotta go. Be careful ok?" the older opened up turning the younger to the door side.

Taehyung got on the boss. He was thinking what if he won't get the job? what if he won't make the money by the deadline? Will his creditor give him more time?

With the boss taking a long distance from where he worked to the down town he had his time to look at the tall buildings and sky scrapers. He hadn't been here a lot. maybe only when he used to work in a dinning and was the delivery boy.

When he came out of the boss he looked up only to see that he was surrounded by the tall buildings. He found the Jeon enterprise easily, how couldn't he? The building was the biggest of them all.

He went inside. He was nervous and had a feeling of not belonging in here. The lobby receptionist smiled and looked at him waiting.

"Um... Hi I'm here for the interview." Taehyung smiled back feeling a little better by now. He only hoped that the boss will be kind as well. He got the information from the receptionist and headed to the elevator.

By pressing the last floor he waited. The building was so tall as it took a lot to arrive.

By entering the salon he saw some other men and women waiting for the interviewer. He sat on a chair and waited as well.

After 20 minutes the salon was empty and only Taehyung was sitting there.
The woman came out of the office smiling. Am I the only person nervous?

He stood up and knocked on the door. With a faint 'come in' he went inside and closed the door behind him.

The room was mostly black with wooden walls and desk and black chairs.
There was a wall fully made with thick glass. The view of it was like you've got the whole town under your feet.

He turned to see the boss. He had his head low and he was focused on the papers in front of him.

"Sit down." The dark haired mail said still not looking at the person who came in.

Taehyung sat down on a chair and tried to control his anxiety.

"Hi." The man still didn't pay attention and had all his attention toward the papers.
Taehyung got even more nervous and tried to calm himself down by looking around the room. His eyes fell on a picture that showed six males smiling. Taehyung got interrupted by the male's voice.


Taehyung turned around only to see him looking with surprise. The younger's eyes widen by seeing the familiar face of the other. He was now slightly shaking from his nervousness.

How is it even possible?

"What are you doing in here?" Jungkook said. He got suspicious of the boy. What if he wanted to near and harm him? This is not natural to see this boy over and over.

Taehyung stood silent as he didn't know what to say and that was exactly what made the older get more suspicious.

The dark haired man stood up and walked across his desk getting closer to the boy. His intimidating eyes piercing the other's orbs.

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