2- Waking Up

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When I woke up the first thing I noticed was my wrists were no longer boiling hot and the heat had been reduced to a comfortable warmth.

I also noticed that I was in what I assumed was my cocoon. The unexpected thing was that it wasn't a silvery white like Apollo's had been it was a brightly glowing orange. Like it had been set on fire, I realized.

I remembered that my mother said to wait about 10 minutes before exiting my cocoon when I woke up.

So thats what I did I shifted around to a position that more comfortable since my newfound wings were making the space more cramped.

I heard a small gasp outside my cocoon which sounded like Bumblebee but I was to tired to answer her when she asked if I was awake in here.

After what I think was around 10 minutes I poked one of my sharp talons through the warm silk.

Thats weird wasn't Apollo's cocoon a little cold?

Deciding to ignore it I started to rip through the thick layers of silk. I heard someone that was most definitely Bumblebee yell for Apollo.

Once I had ripped a big enough hole I squeezed out of cocoon. Looking around I saw Apollo Standing next Bumblebee to my right.

To my left I saw Dewdrop Apollo's little sister and my parents. Goldspot looked happy but I could see worry behind her eyes.

"Morning." She said.

I groaned and plopped myself onto the floor. How the heck did I still feel tired I was just asleep for a whole week!

I looked back and uncurled my new wings.

"They're so pretty!" Bumblebee squealed happily.

Apollo nodded in agreement and then looked embarrassed and looked towards the wall instead of me.

"Ooo~ look her Hivewing stingers are all big and sharp now!" Dewdrop exclaimed.

Looking down at my wrists I saw large sharp black stingers on my wrists that used to just be small dull stubs.

"Oh! I should try out my silk!" I said happily.

Bumblebee and Apollo both winced and my mother grabed my outstretched wrists gently and put them back on the floor.

Sighing my mother said, "Lets go outside to try your silk and then I'll explain to you."

Confused by what she meant I followed her outside to a large patch of mud next to the river.

"Go ahead now." She said.

I looked down at my wirsts before stretching out my arms. Before I could think to much about it shinning golden orange silk burst out from my wrists.

I gasped in surprise and stopped shooting it. I picked up the two large strands of silk I had made and noticed that they radiated heat. But for some reason it didn't burn.

I looked over at my mother for the explanation she had promised.

She sighed and started to explain. "Yucca you know that my father was a Silkwing correct?"

"Yea you told me about him awhile back." I said nodding.

She grimaced and continued. "Well my father was what we called a Flamesilk. That means instead of normal silk his is basically like strings of fire."

I gasped and looked back at the glowing orange silk I was holding and started to realize what she was saying.

"I didn't inherit the gene and I was hoping you wouldn't either because Flamesilk can be deadly and is very hard to control." She said almost finished.

I now fully knew what she was going to say but decided to let her finish.

"Yucca you did inherit that gene. You're a Flamesilk." She finished.

I looked over and saw some dry plants sticking out of the mud. I walked over to them and touched them with the strings of silk.

They instantly burst into flames. I jumped back with a yelp. The small plant almost immediately shriveled up and was a pile of smoking ash.

"Here." Apollo said, handing me a small stone jar.

I dropped the strings of Flamesilk into it and handed it back to him. He took it gingerly but I could tell the jar thankfully didn't burn him.

"..So what do I do about it?" I asked turning to my mother.

"Oh you don't need to worry you don't only have Flamesilk you can shoot normal silk to although it will still have some warmth." She said.

After about an hour of practicing I had sore wrists but could mostly control what type of silk I used.

We went back inside the large hut me, my mother, and my father called home.

Apollo and Bumblebee were there playing with Dewdrop. I said hi and sat next to them while they played eating some pig my dad had caught.

I shared some with Bumblebee but Apollo stayed to hia fruit since he wasn't a hybrid like me and couldn't eat meat.

Goldspot joined us after awhile but this time with a two dragons. One looked like a Sandwing but she didn't have the poisonous tail barb and the other was a Nightwing.

The Nightwing I noticed was sticking very close to the possibly Sandwing and after a few seconds of studying him I noticed how his eyes were closed and he had burn scars over them.

Oh! I'm such a snailbrian these must be two of the dragonets of destiny theres a blind Nightwing and a golden Sandwing with no tail barb. But... why are they here?

I looked over at my mother in confusion. She just smiled back which annoyed the heck out of me.

"Hi I'm Sunny and this is Starflight." The Sandwing and Nightwing hybrid I remembered said.

"Erm hi?" I responded.

Dewdrop, Bumblebee, and Apollo were all now sitting side by side next to me facing 2 of the founders of Jade Mountain Academy.

Jade Mountain Academy.

I then realized why they were here.

(Yay see the second chapter was longer this time it was 994 words!)

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