nine // shark

230 18 5

song list

shark - oh wonder

hold me down - halsey

what's my age again? - blink 182

stitches - shawn mendes

english girls - the maine

if you don't know - 5 seconds of summer

// shark //

by oh wonder

october 2013 (again im aware it was in 2014, for this stories purposes it's changed)

written by anthony and josephine

or are you my soul, my heart, pull everything apart?

"who do you think made the best album of all time?"

"can you be more specific, genres?"

"in general." she murmured.  

"you can't compare beyonce's greatest albums to say, green days. just like you can't compare the 1975 to one of mine. there are so many different aspects that come into play." arabella smiled at his worlds because once again, he was seeming to get the point she was trying to make.

"so why is it that when people compare themselves to others, they don't put into play those same aspects. every album is different, just like every person is different. so why do we give music more respect than we give ourselves?" harry nodded with that lovely confused face he always seemed to hold. y'know, eyebrows knit tightly together, a few stray strands of hair fluttering across his face, clenching jaw and his hand stroking his chin ever so slightly?

arabella imagined that if she were any closer to him, she could probably hear the hammering of his heart and his dilated pupils, but that wasn't from the topic at hand, it was from arabella. and she so desperately tried to ignore the fact that he was doing the same thing to her.

she cleared her throat a bit, letting it echo through the room as she continued. "and the same thing goes for different genres. you might hate one genre just like you might hate one person. but that doesn't mean you don't appreciate them for what they do. some music is guitar driven like some people are artistic, some music is just a complete mindfuck just like some people are a little all over the place. so why does the world continue to jam everyone into the same type of person. for example, if you're not good at maths or science or english, you're automatically deemed unworthy by society. that's what i hate about the world. you can have beyonce and green day and love them both equally, so why don't we do that with people?"

harry loved that arabella tried to see the beauty in everything. and he wondered why someone who hated so many things about the world, could possibly love it and make it seem like a better place. she was notoriously optimistic yet a complete pessimist, and she seemed to make it work. one thing seemed to stick in harry's mind from her explanation, "what makes love, then?"

"what do you mean?" she mused.

"you can be in love with a genre or in lust with one, there's a difference in the type of fan you are. explain that."

arabella // harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now