Seven: what is up with all the drama?

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I wake up to the smell of freshly baked pancakes. It gets stronger as I walk to the kitchen and find James behind the pit wearing an apron. 'It smells really good.' 'Good,' he smiled 'I wanted to do something back for the kindness last night. 'No worries honestly, anything for a friend.'

When I just have finished eating, my phone begins making a lot of noise. I open up my phone and see 4x missed calls from Ross, 63 messages and a ton of instagram notifications. What the fuck is going on? I have been tagged in numerous pictures and click on one.

Ross Lynch' new lover spotted in Amsterdam
The popstar has been spotted with a new girl in Amsterdam. Seems like he's forgotten about Brianna quite soon. The break-up has only been two months ago and he's been spotted with five girls in the time after the break-up.Will this be a one night stand or is it more than that? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Rosy37: What a nasty girl she's taking him away from us. He can do better

Kate_6: I can't keep on supporting him if he keeps this rich boy lifestyle. I thought he was better.

Charlie2010: why do y'all care so much? Let the girl live in peace. It's probably just a friend.

There's a lot of more comments but I don't want to read all this. I didn't expect this at all. I already know what the texts from Ross are about.


Hi, I don't know if you have seen the tabloids? If not, we were photographed in the park and people are going mad because they think you're my girlfriend. My manager wants to speak to you to fix this problem. Can you come to the studio at 2 o'clock?

Yeah, I just woke up to a lot of instagram mentions. So I was surprised to say the least ;). But it's fine I will see you at the studio.

Okay see you soon!

I'd love to come but I still need an adress😝.

Shoot :) that's handy for you I guess.

I told James he could stay here for now and that we will fix this when I get home. And I went to the adress Ross sent me. The building was an impressive peace of architecture. It was all glass and made in the form of the opera house but then in glass. The reception told me to wait until they were ready. The waiting room was filled with music prizes and pictures of all the people who were signed by BMG, the record label. Ross and his brother hung there too. The receptionist told me I could come in and led me to the 4th studioroom.

There were Ross, Rocky, and a few other people like a woman in a business suit. She must be their manager. 'Sit down.' I sit down at one of the chairs. 'You must have seen the pictures in the tabloids this morning.' I nodded. 'Those pictures are bad for Ross his reputation. He's been percieved as a player since the break-up with his girlfriend Brianna. In three months he has been even photographed with eight girls.' She sighed. 'I know this probably was just a fling for you,' 'no it was nothing, we're just friends.' 'If you say so...' 'I need Ross to fix his reputation otherwise he will lose sales and I can't have that. So I have a propostion for you.'

'And what is that supposed to be?', I said with a snarky tone. It was honestly nothing just friendly talk. But I must say it hurts a little to hear that Ross has been playing with girl's hearts. But it's not my problem it's bad for his reputation.

'I need you to act like his girlfriend for a little while. If the tabloids think he has a girlfriend they will stop stalking him. And the social media hate will slow down too.

What the fuck no. It's not my fucking problem.'

'I will give you 2 million dollars for six months.'

God that's a lot of money. And I really can use it but it feels unethical. 'I will think about it.'

She smiles 'okay here' my businesscard, can you let us know for monday?'

'Okay.' I walked out of the studio. I didn't want to look at Ross what if he was just nice to me to be eyecandy for him. I hear someone walk up to me. It's Ross. 'You know you don't have to do this, you can get a lot of hate. And the paparazzi's can be a pain in the ass. 'I know and I can think for myself.' I say as I close the door and walk outside.

Hell, what am I going to do? It's such an unethical way of getting money but on the other side it's good money. I'm going home a few days to my parents to get my head straight and decide what I'm going to do. I will tell James he can stay at my place for the few days I'm gone. I think I can trust him.

Hey everyone! We've come to the end of the chapter. Will she say yes to the  agreement or not? Let me know what you would like to see or if you want to see more characters being introduced. Also if you see grammar mistakes please tell me so I can learn from it😝. Comments and votes are appreciated! I know it's like really cliche but it will be better. Also I know like nothing about the management and stuff so this is like all fiction. So you know ;)

Over a few weeks I will be in a different class in school and I hope I will fit in because all of my friends are going to a different class. I guess it will be fjne. Ok that's that for today see you soon in another chapter!

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