Twelve: Glitter will fix all my problems

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'This was NOT the plan.' Kate walked back and forth 'Have you seen twitter?' I wanted to answer but she didn't let any silence fall. 'Have you seen the pictures?' 'No' I said 'Well, you look like a ...' She paused 'you look like a hooker.' 'Well there's nothing wrong with being a hooker, they are people too. Kate looks pissed 'I need a cigarette.' She says as she storms outside.

'Is she always like that?' I ask Ross. He laughs 'Yes and no.' 'She can be a bit much sometimes but she's also a sweetheart. ' 'I find that hard to believe but okay.' As a few minutes go by in complete silence, Kate walks back in. 'I finally have a plan for this bloody mess.' Everyone just stares at her, too afraid to even move. 'To make the rumors go away, I want Ross to make it official on the red carpet tonight. That way we might still be able to release the album next month.' One of the people in the room starts talking 'I don't want to be a partypooper but we really don't have a dress for Ellis yet, and I don't know if we can pull it of in this timeperiod. Kate walks up to him and says'You'll fix it or you're fired.' He looks up to her and says okay with a broken voice. A few phonecalls later a personal stylist named Teresa had some time to make me ready for the red carpet.

I stood in front of a mansion with a beautifull garden. With my heart beating in my chest I walk up to the door and press the bell. A woman who looks like she stepped out of a monet painting opens up 'You must be Ellis!', 'come in!' My heart slowed down again. She is a lot less intimidating as I thought she was.

We walked into the big walk-in closet and honestly all of my Hannah Montana dreams came true. The whole room was in royal white and had the softest carpet I've ever felt. Teresa picked up a remote and the whole clothingrack was able to move. The most beautiful dresses moved in front of my eyes. Teresa asked me to sit down at the make-up table and looked through my hair. 'I'm going to make you look like the baddest girl at this red carpet, mark my words,' she smiled.

She gave me a facemask and some other cremes which would make my skin extremely soft. Then she painted my nails and picked some dresses for me to try on. 'Do you know what you're going to the red carpet for?' Teresa asked. 'I know we get to watch a movie premiere with a dinner and after party but more I don't know.' 'Alright I think I got the perfect dress for this. She picked out a green emerald dress with a snit. 'It's absolutely beautifull but I don't know if I can pull it off. Teresa looked at me 'believe me, you're going to shine, sunshine!'

She was absolutely right, after she put on my make-up and I put on my dress I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked beautiful. 'I know something what's going to make it even more pretty...' She pulled out a necklace with diamonds on them. 'I'm sorry but I can't do that, I will absolutely lose it or it will get stolen or worse' 'You'll be fine!' She raised her voice. 'You have to go otherwise you'll be too late.' I hesitated but the bell rang and I indeed had to go.

Ross stood in front of the door and looks at me 'wow, you're beautifull.' I push him playfully 'You don't look so bad yourself.' He's in a handmade suit and he smells incredible. As we walked outside Ross starts talking 'You know I'm so sorry for all this, I didn't expect it to blow up like this. And you're getting so much online hate that I just hope people will leave you alone if we make it 'official'.' 'Just as I want to say something the limousine honked that we had to hurry.

'God I didn't expect this', I say when we sit down in the car. 'I can imagine,' Ross says irritated. I don't say anything about it. I really don't feel like ruining my mood. We sit a while in silence. Ross breaks the silence by opening a bottle of champagne. 'On surviving another red carpet!' We toast, and drink our champagne. Ross tells me he will handle the questions and gave me some tips for the paparazzi's.
Honestly I'm not that enthusiastic about the story anymore, but I guess I will try to finish it. I'm thinking around 25 chapters and then I can leave this dumpsterfire. I planned a lot more drama but we'll see if I want to do that.

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