Eleven: the first date

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Kate messaged me that it's my first date with Ross today. We are going to a coffeeshop in Amsterdam called Claire's. I know what you're thinking but it's the normal one. With coffee. Ross and I got both the assignment to take a picture with the coffee with Ross vaguely in the background on the other side. Kate hoped to get the conversation about Ross and I running this way. Maybe even so that some paparazzi's are going to take pictures of us.

I get my bike from the cabin and say James goodbye. He still lives with me even though we are searching for a place for him to live. We just haven't found anything yet and I also enjoy his company so I'm not in a hurry. Claire's isn't that far from my house so I text Ross I'll be there in 10 minutes. I'm relieved I told him how I feel because honestly I was a little fast to jump into conclusions. I do rather find it hard to know I have feelings for him and he doesn't know yet if he does.

I put my bike on the side of Claire's coffeebar and walk in. Ross greets me and takes his sunglasses off. I know he wears them inside to prevent being recognized but I do think it's odd when celebrity's do that. I mean it's even more notable with than without. But then again who am I to say something about that. The cafe owner gave us the best place to sit outside of the public eye. She also made some precautions to not let paparazzi's in since she made a deal with Kate.

I ordered a chai latte and Ross a capachino and we both ordered a croissant. The croissants were freshly baked so it was absolutely delicious. 'If we're fake-dating we better get to know each other better. Lets start with the most important question', he paused 'And that is?' I asked confused. 'Your horoscope of course!' 'I didn't see you as a horoscope guy.', I laughed 'but it's a Scorpio. What about you?' 'I'm a capricorn, we'e compatible.' He winked 'The second most important thing is your favorite color, mine is oceanblue.' 'I don't have a favorite color but emerald green is one of my favorites.' Ross looks pleased 'I will remember it for our second date.' As we both fall silent we both get a text from Kate.

Put your instagramstory live WITH location so the paparazzi can get here.

We both laughed, I completely forgot about that. We photographed our drinks and put it on our instagramstories. We only talked for 10 minutes when the paparazzi and thus the flashing camera's arrived. I tried to ignore it but it was so hard. 'Just focus on me and it will be okay.' After a while it helped and I could talk to Ross without looking outside. The cafe owner walked up to us and closed the curtains 'Kate told me to quit your little date, you have to keep the mystery up for the free publicity.' Honestly I'm happy that we can go home, I'm tired of all the paparazzo's. As we put on our jackets I get my bike key out of my bag.

'You came with the bike?' I nodded a bit confused 'why is that a problem?' 'The paparazzo's will follow you to your house. Are you stupid?' He sounds irritated 'Come with me in the car. I know Kate's not going to be happy with us. But otherwise they won't let you go when they know where you fucking live.'

As Ross peeked out of the window he says 'follow me'. We run to his car while the paparazzi follows us. He puts his foot on the pedal and we are gone. My heart is still beating out of my chest when we end up at the appartement. 'I didn't know you had a house in Amsterdam.' 'I just use it while I'm touring or when we're having writing sessions,' he says while putting his keys on the table.' And I also just love the vibe Amsterdam has.' He gets me a tea and a cookie and we talk for a while. My phone starts getting a lot notifications and I want to set my phone to silent. Then I see that Kai has sent me messages with a picture of Ross and me running from the paparazzi.

You're on the gossip channel with that Driver Era singer.

Since when did you even have a relationship with that guy.

You know he's going to break your heart, he's a celebrity are you stupid?

If you're all crying over this guy you can't say I haven't warned you. And I most certainly won't comfort you.

You're ignoring me so I better stop. Hell maybe you're even getting a little too cozy with the guy

What the hell. He doesn't even have a reason to be irritated. We're friends nothing more. Even if I want my heart broken then it's still nobody's business.

I can't see where I asked you about your opinion.
And since when do you even care so much about gossip?
If I want to live my life this way you're not the one to say something about that.

Ross looked at me 'what was that all about, you looked pissed.' 'Absolutely nothing', I say as I put my phone on silent. Just when I walked back Ross got a call. He sighs 'It's Kate, she is mad we have to go the office right away.'

How will they handle Kate and her rage? Is Kai going to tell Ellis about his feelings? What is the next date for Ellis and Ross?

Read all about it in the next chapter!

I want to get 1k words in this chapter for fun so this is me filling all the words. How do you all like the story so far? It's not my best but it's fun to write. If you want to say something or just chat in the comments be my guest :)

Votes/comments are appreciated!

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