Chapter 6

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It was a dull night at the bar. Gavin was tucked in bed, being monitored by a nanny, and Wayne decided to get his mind off of work. The disco lights flickered bright colors, but that didn't make Wayne feel any better. His fingers fidgeted with his golden band. Before he could keep thinking about it, he finished off his beer and asked for another.

That's when she walked in. She had dark, curly hair that rested on her back. She had a tank top on and jeans. She plopped onto a seat and swung her legs over. With a tap on the booth, she said, "Tequila!"

The bartender said, "Coming right up, Lisa."

She sat there with her back straight and legs crossed. She was elegant. Wayne didn't realize how long he'd been staring at her until her eyes were on his. She looked him up and down, then nodded. It was time for Wayne to do something.

"Hey," he said over the music. "I'm Wayne."

"Lisa." She was admiring his eyes. Even in the dark, the blue irises glowed. "What brings you to the island?"

The bartender placed another beer in front of him. Wayne twisted the cap off easily, took a swig, then said, "Just stopping by for a couple of weeks."

Her eyes were on his wedding ring. "With your family?"

Wayne nodded. "Yeah. My son and I." After she downed her confidence shot, she held out her hand. Lisa pointed to an empty ring finger. "She passed away a year ago."

Lisa immediately regretted being a smartass. "I'm so sorry."

Wayne shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I should've taken this off a while ago."

Another shot appeared in front of Lisa. She held it up in the air, facing Wayne. "To being young parents?"

Wayne brought his beer over towards her shot glass and they clinked. "To being young parents." Lisa had a dazzling smile. She brought the glass up to her mouth and the tequila ran down her throat. Wayne wanted to be that tequila. He placed his bottle on the counter, rolled his sleeves up, and tried his best to ooze confidence. "So, what brings you here, tonight?"

She placed her little glass onto the counter before speaking. "I don't know...I told my boyfriend I needed me time."

"Boyfriend?" Wayne did not see an engagement ring. "This man got lucky enough to have your child and he hasn't gotten down on the knee yet?"

She shook her head. "I know Ed loves me. We're just tight on money."


Edward Labin.

Lisa continued talking. "Maybe someday soon." She realized Wayne was spaced out. "Did I say something?"

Wayne snapped out of it after that statement and shook his head rapidly, placing a hand on her thigh. "No...I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something." He glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was getting extremely late. "I have to go. I've got a meeting at nine in the morning. Before I go, can I get your number?"

A smile appeared on Lisa's face as she pulled out her phone from her pocket. They exchanged numbers as they walked towards the parking lot. Lisa had an old Bronco. He would keep that in mind in case he saw it around. Wayne watched from his seat as Lisa drove away, back home to Georgia's brother.

Before he could put the key in, his phone buzzed. He snatched it from his lap and opened it. The notification was a text message.

Lisa: See you soon, sexy.

A smirk appeared on his face and his eyebrows raised, slightly. His mind started to race, thinking about what she would look like under that tank top. Boyfriend. Shit. Before he got ahead of himself, he started to type a message.

Wayne: I better.

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