Chapter 25

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They did, in fact, come back in the morning. It was seven in the morning. EJ ended up staying in Leo's room because neither of them wanted to be alone. They had slept beside each other and awoke to the heavy stomps.

"Leo, they're here," EJ muttered. She was half awake. "We need to get up."

"Let's just stay here," he said into his pillow.


"EJ." His hand held hers under the sheets. "Just give me five minutes."

She granted him his five minutes. His hand did not let go of hers until they both got dressed and made their way down the stairs. Gavin and Imani followed suit. Gavin had bags under his eyes. The officers were standing with Wayne, who had not changed from last night. He was still in the black shirt and khakis, even the leather shoes.

"From what we have seen so far," the chief stated, "we rule Lisa Alodia's death as a suicide. This is only a placeholder until we receive more information. Edward Labin had an alibi, so it wasn't him."

Leo shook his head. "No. No. My mother wouldn't do that."

"Son, I understand that you are upset," the chief said, looking at the young man. "We are still doing tests and we will be evaluating the scene today." The officers began to run around the house. "I understand that this is not your primary housing, so we advise that you all leave the island. It is for your own safety."

The chief and Wayne began to walk around the first level. The staff stood stiffly in the corners. News had broken on multiple networks, but none of them were watching it. EJ made her way up to her room with Leo following. She marched through with her hands on her hips. She had to start packing. She had to get out of here. She had to get away from that man.

"Hey," he said. "It's okay. They'll figure it out, remember?"


"Come with us." He blurted that statement, but he didn't retract it. "Come stay with us in a hotel or something."

She let out a breath. She was still facing away from him. "I can't just leave the island, Leo. I live here. Plus, I don't want to intrude." She made the last part up, hoping it would deter him. It did not. Before he could protest, she silently said, "We should get out of here. Let's let the cops go through the house for evidence. Or anything."

She needed to talk to Leo and get him away from Wayne, so she did just that. Leo and her walked out of the house and retrieved their bikes. She had a small smile on her face to hide how much she wanted to scream, or vomit. They peddled until they found a small, isolated beach. They placed their bikes in the empty rack and walked down the sandy trail. Leo stayed behind EJ. His own gears in his head were twisting, but not as fast as EJ's had.

They placed a towel onto the sand and sat beside each other. This time, Leo did not reach for her. He just took in the fresh air. His body was still racing with adrenaline and fueled with angst, but he was beside EJ and gazing at the ocean. His heart still twisted. He could not enjoy it.

"I don't think it was suicide," he said, starting the conversation. "My mom is the strongest person I know. I mean, at least, she never told me something was wrong."

EJ stripped her eyes away from her hands and looked at him. "It wasn't."

Leo jolted his head towards her. "How do you know?"

The nervousness in her gut came back with full force. "I think it was Wayne that did it."

He rolled his eyes and leaned his body straight. His jaw clenched. "Wayne wouldn't do that. He can be an asshole, but he loved my mom. He's a family guy. Always has been."

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