Stuck in a canyon with a dragon

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You were on your way home coming back from a hunting trip but out of the blue, a white dragon comes flying out of the clouds towards you.

You were on your way home coming back from a hunting trip but out of the blue, a white dragon comes flying out of the clouds towards you

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It let out a tremendous roar as you scramble to safety. You were riding a wagon with a donkey leading the way. In the back of the wagon were four whitetail deer. Your donkey was panicking and took off leaving you. The dragon swiftly flies down at your with its claws open to grab you or the deer you had but you pulled out your sword in defense.

The dragon roars in anger upon seeing your sword now that it knows you won't give yourself or your food up without a fight. When the dragon got close enough for you to strike, you swung your sword at it and it dodged it but it tipped over your wagon. You fell hard onto the floor earning a few cuts on your skin. Luckily you didn't hit your head because you landed by a nearby rock and that could have ended badly for you.

You quickly get up seeing the dragon has landed in front of you with its teeth showing its hostility. Snarling and growling, you were able to take in the dragon's beautiful and majestic body. It had a mix of scales and feathers. Its white and golden scales and feathers were a beauty to behold but the best part was its eyes. Its aurora blue eyes stared into yours but you quickly snapped out of your thoughts and focused on battling this dragon.

It slowly crawled towards you and you raised your sword getting ready to have an epic battle with a dragon. The dragon quickly lashes out, charging at you. Its stomps shook the ground making you lose your ground. It opens its maw and not wanting to become dragon chow, you quickly rolled over avoiding a horrible fate.

The dragon crashes into a tree making an oof sound but this makes it more angry and irritated. It quickly turns around and to your surprise, it spoke to you but obliviously not in a friendly way. Though despite being angry the dragon turns out to be a female and her voice sounded like an angel's.

Dragoness: "You little shit of a human, I'll make your death painful!"

She rushes towards you again swinging her claws at you but you were able to get a good swing at her, slashing her front leg which caused her to yelp in pain but that also came with her kicking you. You went flying in the air and hit a tree stump which hurt like hell but you were lucky it didn't cause any harm to your spine.

Y/N: "W-what the hell did I do? You were the one who attacked me, the first lady!"

She only growls as you barely get up off the ground. You shake as you barely get up but are still strong enough to fight.

Dragoness: "Hmpf, even after kicking you in the chest you are still standing human. I guess I'll have to claw you to death or even better...have you melt in my stomach!"

You were shocked to hear what she said. She was planning to eat you whole and alive while you burn and slowly melt in stomach acids. You would rather be clawed than be eaten alive.

Y/N: "Umm no thanks, I'll rather be clawed to death or crack my skull on a rock."

She didn't reply but she gets ready for another attack and so do you. She charges at you again with her maw open. Avoiding her maw again you quickly dash out of the way but you grab onto one of her feathers and cling onto her while she trashes around trying to get you off of her. Your world becomes extremely violent and dizzy as she spins around. All that spinning around caused her to get close to a nearby cliff that leads into a canyon. She quickly notices where she is but it was too late as she lost her footing and tumbled down the cliff with you hanging onto her neck.

The fall was probably about 200 feet but somehow she survived the fall. The fall wasn't a plummet but rather it was falling down a steep hill with many rocks hitting her body. When she hit the ground, you fell off her back and landed on rough dirt, sliding too which made everything worse.

You suffered many cuts and scrapes from the battle and falling off the dragoness. Your arms and legs were bloody but your back was the worst as it had the most cuts and scrapes on your body. Feeling Luke warm blood on your back along with some dirt. You slowly rose but you yelped in pain. Processing what just happened you looked up where you fell from and realized you were in a canyon. Getting out of here will be tough, impossible maybe but at least there's water. You brought your attention back to the dragoness and saw she also suffered from some nasty injuries, most noticeably her wings.

Both of her big wings appeared to be broken as if someone snapped them in half. Her pearly white scales and feathers were light brown as they were covered in dirt but also blood. She slowly opens her eyes and attempts to get up but she quickly falls. She tries again but miserably fails.

She notices you and shouts at you in anger.


Hearing her snap at you in anger made your eardrums ring. She was definitely angry for sure. Still, in shock from what jump happened, you just sat on the dirt floor not doing anything as you feel pain surge through your body. You were lucky not to break anything, unlike the unfortunate dragoness. Though you should have gotten up because the dragoness got up and wrapped her tail around your waist. You tried to grab your sword but you were too late. She brings you up to her eye level and you close your eyes waiting for her to crush you or bite your body in half but she talks to you.

Dragoness: "Well considering the situation you put me in and what you did to my wings, I guess I have some use for you."

Y/N: "W-what will you d-do to me?"

The dragoness snorts before answering your question.

Dragoness: "Your lucky I'm sparing your pathetic life human but for now you are my slave. You will do as I ask and you will refer to me as master. Is that clear?"

Y/N: "Y-yes master..."

Dragoness: "Good. Now for your tasks. Since you have injured my beautiful wings, I cannot hunt or fly out of here so you will hunt and provide me water until my wings heal."

Y/N: "W-what about me?"

The dragoness glares at you before giving you a sinister smirk.

Dragoness: "If you fail to do any of these things for me or come back empty-handed, I think you know the answer to that."

She said while licking her lips. You knew what would become of you if you fail to do what she asks and not wanting to die a painful death, you will do whatever it takes to satisfy her needs.

Y/N: "I understand."

She nods her head and explores the canyon for some shelter while you hang in her tail. It must have been a few hours since she started walking. She hasn't found a cave for anything that would provide shelter from animals and the elements but she was able to find a decently large cave. The cave had soft sand but that's better than rough dirt or the hard surface of rocks.

 The cave had soft sand but that's better than rough dirt or the hard surface of rocks

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She walks in while dunking her head. She finds a spot and like a cat or dog, she turns around a couple of times and pats her spot before she lays down. She drops you down and you land on the soft and cold ground.

Dragoness: "I'm feeling a bit hungry, go fetch me some food slave."

Listening to what the dragoness wants, you stumble your way out of the cave and find some animals to hunt if you can. You were now thinking about your life choices of how they could lead up to this moment of your life with a cruel and sadistic dragoness.

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