Day 4 - Change In Heart

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You struggled to drag the animal throughout the canyon. It was hard to see in the storm and your body was becoming weaker and weaker. It was cold, very cold because it was now dark outside. Visibility was very limited but thankfully you were able to find your cave. You made it to the cave and see the dragoness waiting eagerly for your arrival.

Dragoness: "Ah, I was finally wondering when you would return. I see you have brought me something. It looks delicious."

As always she does the same shit again, taking the food that you worked hard to kill. She swallowed it in one gulp. She opens her maw in pleasure from swallowing her food and you walk away into your spot the cave, near the mouth of the cave because she wouldn't let you sleep close to her.

You huddled into a ball and softly cried hoping to die peacefully in your sleep.

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Dragoness POV

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I happily ate the animal the human had brought me. I slurp it down in delight though I was disappointed that it brought me one but considering the fact it went out in a blizzard to find one amuses me.

I didn't care if I human was hurt, sick or hungry. Humans are below us dragons, nothing but food but it seems this human was able to keep themselves alive long enough for me not to eat them but I doubt this human was going to last another day.

I looked at the human as it slowly walked toward the place where it slept. That's when I felt something strange. I ignored it at first but these last couple of days with the human has made me feel strange whenever it's around me.

Sure I acted cold towards them but maybe I was a little too harsh on the human. When I was arguing with the human trying to give myself an excuse to end its pathetic life, I listened and realized this was all my fault.

The human was just minding its own business, riding down the road and I come out of nowhere and attack the human. That's because it was carrying food with it and I couldn't resist the urge to eat it. The human was also part of my meal as so with every other dragon that comes across humans.

To be fair, I've never had a human. I heard many stories about their taste being divine and dragons relish the taste of humans. I remember back in the dragon kingdom, at school we would study briefly about humans. They were regarded as prey but they are dangerous as they are known to be intelligent and able to craft weapons that can injure or kill a dragon. Of course, some of my classmates would talk about meeting a human. There were many mixed opinions about them.

Some dragons thought they were cool and should be treated equally as dragons or made friends with them while the majority wanted to eat them. I was one of those dragons that wanted to eat humans. My mother didn't take too kindly to that because a human saved her life once and they were best friends for many years but the human died from old age because dragons live longer than humans.

I told her humans are dumb and are nothing but food to us dragons. She also didn't take too kindly to that either but she held back knowing she can't control me when I'm out of my family's home. I'll eat as many humans as I want but that never really happened, until I met the one that was stuck in the canyon with me for four days.

I look at the human again and see it shivering violently. I felt strange again. What was this feeling? I tried with all I can to ignore it but I let it get to me and realized what it was.

From enemies to friends (dragonxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora