Day 3 - Starving

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Just like your first two days of being stuck in the canyon with the dragoness, you woke up freezing and shivering. You tried to get good sleep but barely got less than three hours. You were extremely tired both physically and mentally.

While the dragoness slept comfortably and was in good health other than her two broken wings, you on the other hand was dying slowly. You had no food, your injuries looked like they were getting infected and the water in the canyon probably wasn't safe to drink. It would be a matter of time until you die from sickness or from hunger.

You learned from yesterday that you need permission from her to relieve yourself so you had to hold in your piss all morning until she woke up. You could go in the cave but it will probably reck of urine and she will definitely take offense to that.

You continued staring at the dragoness. Her body slowly rising and falling with each breath she took. To be honest, you found the dragoness to be quite beautiful and attractive. If she wasn't so aggressive towards you, you would have probably told her so but on the inside, she's wicked and rotten. Probably to the core seeing how she is treating you.

After an hour of painfully holding in your piss, the dragoness finally wakes up and gives out a big stretch along with a yawn. She flutters her eyes a few times before she looks at you. She's confused why you were looking at her but seeing the way you were crossing your legs, she knew what was up.

Y/N: "C-can I g-go to take a p-piss, master?"

You said nearly stuttering each word because its cold and you were afraid she could deny your request just for her enjoyment for seeing you suffer.

Dragoness: "Go on."

Y/N: "T-thank you master."

You quickly scurried out of the cave and find a spot to relieve yourself. You nearly pissed yourself because of how early the cold woke you up and how long that beast took to wake up. You slowly walk back up the small sandy hill to the cave and you see the dragoness grooming herself while checking her injuries.

She seems pleased with herself as she looks at her two injured wings. She eventually looked at you, giving you a sinister smile as she got up. Your body tensed as she slowly walked towards you. There was something else to. The way she was walking. She wasn't walking like she was injured but she was walking rather seductively?

She was clearly swaying her hips but you looked at her eyes and noticed something horrifying. Her eyes were a mix between lust and hunger. You stumbled backwards onto the cold floor and you look at her as she looked down at you.

Suddenly she wraps her tail around you and brings you up to her face. Your heart raced as you stared into her hungry and lustful eyes. She opened her maw and you expected to be thrown in or have your head bitten off but she spoke to you.

Dragoness: "You see that human?"

The dragoness shows her two wings and you see the injures she had.. There were gone as if they completely healed in a couple days. Though they did leave a scar.

Dragoness: "My wings healed so I don't have anymore use for you. I think you know what comes next human."

Her stomach grumbled and gurgled. You looked at her with a horrified expression. She opened her maw and dangled you above it. You felt your waterworks starting up as a tear falls down your face. The tear drops onto her tongue and somehow she was able to taste that tiny drop of a tear.

Dragoness: "Oh don't be like that. What's better than adding yourself to a beautiful dragoness such as myself. With your contribution, you will make me more plump and more attractive. That way I can attract a mate. Don't you want to be apart of that?"

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