Day 2 - Near Death Experience

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It turns out winter was coming faster than you had anticipated. You woke up freezing the next morning. Your breath was visible and your clothing was not enough to keep you warm.

You got up early because of the cold and you stared at the dragoness who was still sleeping. You wished you could sleep next to her body. The warmth her body emanated would be nice but considering that she was treating you worse than dirt made you think otherwise.

You stepped outside the cave to stretch out and the sun was barely rising. The sky was still black and there were hints of dark blue and orange in the sky. You stepped outside to take a leak and came back to find the dragoness staring at you in anger. She was snarling at you until she spoke.

Dragoness: "Where were you?"

Y/N: "I-I was j-just going to the b-bathroom."

Dragoness: "So? I didn't give you permission to step outside."

Y/N: "B-but this is my body. I-I need to go to the b-bathroom when I n-need to."

Dragoness: "So? You are my slave. You don't have any rights or permissions unless it comes from me. I don't care if you piss or shit yourself and I could care any less. And what happened to calling me master?"

Y/N: "S-sorry master."

Dragoness: "Good human now got fetch me some food."

Y/N: "W-what about the deer from last night m-master?"

Dragoness: "What about them?"

Y/N: "Is there a-any left for m-me master?"

Dragoness: "Aww shucks, sorry human but I digested them all last night. Like I said go find some for yourself."

Y/N: "W-why? I need food to keep my strength and energy to bring you more food. Please I need food."

The dragoness was getting angry at you and she stood up stomping towards you. You realized you didn't say master when you spoke begging her to give you food. She steps on your body nearly crushing you. You wheezed in pain and your ribs were hurting from the intense pressure.

Dragoness: "I could care any less about your mental and physical health human. You, humans, are nothing but slaves and food to us dragons. I'm being merciful towards you and if you can't appreciate that then I'll just end your pathetic life."

The dragoness opens her maw ready to take you into her gullet but you plead for her not to.


Hearing your cries for mercy the dragoness stops and stares at you. She looked like she was contemplating whether she should eat you or not but she decided not to. She steps off of you and you get up rubbing your chest from the pain she inflicted upon you.

Dragoness: "Now go find me some food before I change my mind."

Y/N: "Y-yes master..."

You said depressingly. She walked back to her spot and breathed out a small flame where she previously laid to keep her spot warm. You yearned for warmth and your body was shaking violently and you had goosebumps all over your body.

You walked out of the cave and you carried the makeshift stretcher with you. Once the sun rose and finally came into view. The canyon warmed up and throughout the day you found some big horned sheep.

You came back and just as you expected, the dragoness ate all the food. You begged her to let you have some and she said no but she would cook one for you if you brought another. And so you did but she didn't keep her word. She simply ate it again. She tricked you and now you were really starting to get hungry.

Your stomach started to cramp making you cringe in pain. The only thing keeping you alive was the water in the canyon river but you hoped there were no parasites or bacteria that could kill you. You wished this dragoness never crossed paths with you. There's only one word to describe her.


She was plain evil despite her beauty. She didn't care about you.  She didn't care you were hurt or starving and when she offered to cook you the big horned sheep you found because you can't eat it raw, she simply ate it for herself. You hated her with every fiber of your being.

Today was worse because not only did you almost get eaten by angering the dragoness but she ate all the food again and you were hungry. Determined to find food again, you went back outside but there was nothing.

You spent the whole day searching but no other animals were in the area. You came back when it was dark but you were surprised she didn't ask anything from you. She was probably still full from today's catch earlier as you can still hear her stomach still digesting the sheep's.

You closed your eyes and curled up into a ball, bracing for the cold tonight and in the morning.

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