Day 1 - Hunting

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Stumbling out of the cave, you went to find any animals to hunt but the problem is you don't have your sword on you. You remembered before you left the spot where you crashed, your sword was laying near the river in the canyon. Though that was probably two hours ago. Having to make the painful journey down the canyon to retrieve your weapon, you dreaded what could happen to you if you come across a predator but that was the least of your concerns.

You were worried you would return empty-handed.

After about three hours of walking you made it where you crashed into the canyon because when you looked up, you saw the mark the dragoness made when she tumbled down the canyon. You looked around for your sword but you were thinking of giving up after an hour or so of trying to find it but fate seems to be on your side today because you found your sword sticking out of a bush.

You squealed in excitement upon finding your sword and picked it up. Now that was done, the hardest part of the day has arrived. You had to find food that would satisfy the dragoness and you. You realized it was starting to get dark. It was probably late afternoon as the sky was orange indicating the sun would set soon but since you were in a canyon, it was a bit darker.

 It was probably late afternoon as the sky was orange indicating the sun would set soon but since you were in a canyon, it was a bit darker

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You had to hurry up and find something considering you were hungry and it was getting dark fast. You also had to consider that your cave was two hours away. You walked down the canyon in hopes of finding food but you had no luck. You did dry fishing and caught a few fish but it wasn't enough for you and the dragoness. You were getting closer and closer to the cave until you found a herd of mule deer. Seeing this opportunity for food, you cannot screw this up so you had to come up with a plan to capture and kill the deer.

You didn't have a lot to work with since you only have a sword so you have to improvise. The deer was far away to notice you so you snuck around some bushes and grabbed a few rocks. These rocks would serve as a distraction for the deer to run the other way so you got closer to the herd of deer that was drinking water from the canyon river.

When you were close enough to the deer to not scare them away you got ready to throw the rocks as far as you can and it made a loud enough noise to startle the deer a make them run away from the fake sound of danger.

Waiting for them to run your way, you waited until the perfect time to come out. When they got close enough, you jumped out with your sword and threw a few large rocks aiming at the deer's feet to make them stumble or break their legs. You were able to knock a few down that ran past you, but you were able to kill a few of them until they all ran past you. You walked toward two deer you knocked down from throwing a large rock at them. They struggled in fear and pain and not wanting to make them suffer anymore, you finished them off.

You rested your body on the deer and stayed there for a few minutes. You were tired and hungry. Exhausted from today's events and can't wait to eat the food you caught. It was already dark outside but you have to carry fish and five deer with you to the cave.

Seeing what you can use that's around you, you thought of making a makeshift stretcher out of the twigs from the bushes surrounding you. It took a while to make it but it worked. It was small but big enough to carry the deer. It was completely dark outside but once again fate was on your side because it was a full moon so it provided you with light.

You struggled to drag and carry the deer across the canyon's rough terrain. You eventually arrived at your "home" but there was another problem. The cave was on a small hill and carrying these deer up the hill with what little energy you have left would be extremely difficult but you had to get up there regardless of how tired you are.

It took you half an hour to get up a small hill and into the cave. Yes, it took you half an hour to get up a small hill carrying deer. That's how tired you were. You were beyond tired because when you arrived in the cave you popped down in exhaustion.

Dragoness: "Oh, you're back. Took you long enough, I honestly thought a mountain lion ate you. Well, time for dinner."

Without warning the dragoness got up and grabbed the deer and fish you had on the makeshift deer and ate it all.

Y/N: "H-hey! What about me?"

The dragoness licks her lips and smacks her lips a few times as if she's teasing you for eating all the food you caught.

Dragoness: "What? They were delicious and that's not my problem. Go find some yourself. My health and safety is my number one priority."

Hearing what she said you decided not to go back out into the canyon to go hunt for your food. You were completely tired and exhausted from hunting and walking back and forth. You went without dinner tonight, she even ate the fish you caught. You lay down on the cold soft dirt and curled up into a ball for warmth and comfort. The cuts and scraps in your body still stung but not as badly.

The blood has dried up and your clothing was covered in dirt and blood. You got comfortable for tonight and closed your eyes hoping tomorrow will be better. Maybe you can keep one deer for yourself but considering that dragons have a great sense of smell, she will probably know you ate "her" food without permission.

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