I'm not dead, just busy.

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I'm doing last minute college applications and that's so incredibly stressful. Plus a whole bunch of other shit. I'm actually extremely busy. I've had too much goddamn family drama for a lifetime and I have an extremely important doctors appointment coming up. (It's complicated to explain why it's so important.) on top of all of that, I've been operating more like a robot these past couple months instead of a human. You know the times call for it. It's school, break time (binge watching whatever I can find) and food, and then sleep. That has been my robotic ass routine so I haven't found much time to be like out of the state mind.

Then I had started writing a story like around a month ago. It's a novel, and it's in the character development stage. I have a story prompt and the overall theme but most of the characters still need massively developed before I start on a first draft of chapter one.

The story started out as more of a hand written one, though, I am now using google docs and handwriting because it helps me paint a clearer picture and it helps me clarify things.

The character development of my protagonist actually has a pretty good storyline built into it. It's not everything by any means but it has pretty good details about his past. It's sorta gay, sorta straight, it depends how you look at sexuality when it comes to a nonbinary masculine presenting person who is/will (be) with a man. The man being the protagonist. The nonbinary individual is pretty much the second protagonist but feels less like a main character than the guy. They just do not give off the vibe of being the center of anything.

I could ramble even more about the story that isn't even finished and won't be for a long time but that's just mean and I honestly am getting distracted by talking about it.

So yeah, incredibly busy, the story is helping me develop my writing skill to an efficient standard so that I may be better in college. I plan to major in creative writing so I must improve greatly because going into any English major is incredibly difficult and will be stressful so I am preparing for it with an actual story that is completely made by me. It's already improved my writing quite a lot. I still have a long way to go though.

How the hell do people afford to live on campus, by the way?! It costs a lot depending on the college. The college that I want to go to, requires me to buy so much shit if I go on campus, and I desperately need to be on campus so that I may keep my sanity. No it would drive me nuts to drive all the way to a different part of town (it's not super far, it's close enough that I can drive to it within like 21 minutes.), it's more that it would stress me out (more than college already would be, as a soon to be English major) and scheduling that shit would be too goddamn difficult.

I am slowly finishing a oneshot but it's going to take much longer to finish since I have a lot of shit to figure out.

Sorry about the amount of cussing near the end. Im tired and stressed out majorly. I only have so much time left before December 1st. Aka the deadline for college applications. I have lot to do. Around 3 are left and all of them are long as hell to finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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