Public Checking Shopping

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Having put the pull up and pajamas back on I decided to lay in bed and scroll through instagram for about 20 minutes before I headed downstairs to make some cereal. While I munched on my brekkie I heard an alarm go off, and mom walked in

"Stand up young lady, let's make sure you are still wearing that pull up."

I stood up and stepped away from my seat. I went to pull my pants down slightly to show mom but she stopped me.

"Arms up in the air dear" she said sweetly

I did as I was told, then mom swivelled me around so my back was facing her and she quickly pulled down the waist band of pants briefly revealing the pull up before snapping it back to its original position.

"Thank you honey" she said walking away

"So that's how it's gonna be" I thought sighing to myself

I decided that I would expose my pull up while I was in my room as I didn't want to go through the whole checking process.

I decided that I would expose my pull up while I was in my room as I didn't want to go through the whole checking process

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After lunch, mom told me she was heading to the shops and asked if I wanted to come.

"No definitely not, if I have to wear a pull-up!" I said

"Come on Amber you haven't been out of the house once today, no one's gonna notice your pull up" argued mom

"Noo mom I really don't want to" I said

"How about we do some clothe shopping as well to make it fun as well as the groceries?" asked mom

That was tempting... I loooove shopping

"Hmmm ok" I responded slowly

I went to back to my bedroom and changed into some leggings and a skirt, the best outfit that would cover up by pull up.

Soon enough we were in the car driving towards the shopping centre

We got there and headed inside straight to the nearest food store

We walked around picking up the food we needed for the week. Meat, fruit, vegetables and chocolate, all the essentials were added to basket before tracking towards the checkout.

Using the electronic checkout we scanned all our shopping items, which was quite a lot while everybody else came walking in and out of the store.

About half way through checking out I heard an alarm go off.

Before I could blink I felt the back of my skirt be flipped up and my leggings brought downwards as mom proceeded to embarrassingly ensure I was still wearing my pull up (As if I'd take it off in the store)

While it was very brief I could feel my face flushing red, I tiptoed around as mom eventually let go of my leggings and released my skirt, leaving me in a sigh of relief.

I could not believe mom had just given me a public diaper check. And in the middle of the checkout no less.

As soon as we left the shop I burst out.

"Mom what the hell was that! You cannot check the diaper in the middle of the store. I don't care if the alarm went off! I shouldn't even be wearing pull ups let alone you checking them!" I screamed

"Amber honey you knew the conditions it doesn't matter where we are if that alarm goes off you will be checked." She began "if you don't want this you should be less lazy and stop taking the pull up off during the night and I'll stop treating you like a little girl" she scolded

I grumbled onwards for the rest of the day as the constant diaper checking occurred.

When 8 o'clock came by I was relieved as the last check was completed for the daytime and mom ensured I was padded for the nighttime.

"Get excited for tomorrow honey we are going to the beach!!!"

I said goodnight and headed off to bed after an extremely stressful day. I decided I would definitely be keeping a pull up on tonight as going to the beach in a pull up would be horrific.

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