Chapter 28

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"Leave! Get out! Get out! I don't want to see your face! You're off my service!" Dr. Grey's voice thundered through Penny Blake's mind as she wandered through the hallway.

That scar...

Her hands shook, just like they did when she'd stitched up that wound.

That's what happens when your head hits a window at eighty miles an hour. Dr. Grey had said. Or maybe when a fresh-faced intern sutured a woman who just lost her baby.

Penny stiffled a sob and pushed herself into an on-call room. So much had happened that day. She could never forget it.

Four years ago:

Penny navigated the freeway expertly through the construction traffic. She was used to it. She took this road nearly every day for work. She scowled when the radio buzzed with a song she'd heard a million times. Maybe she should check in with the news.

"-Are trying to get some answers, but what we know so far is that a gun man has opened fire at Pacific college, and there could possibly be a dozen- Okay, I'm hearing twenty... twenty victims..."

"Oh my God-" Penny exclaimed.

"A total of fifteen ambulances are on their way, and I'm being told that Shepherd Grace hospital has accepted the call to action and all patients will be sent there, to their newly upgraded level one trauma center."

Penny gasped "Holy-" Twenty possible GSW's? Incredible. She wished she could be there in the action. She glanced down to turn the volume up, unable to tear herself away from this tragedy. But when her attention shifted back to the road, she had to suddenly swerve and brake to avoid the Jeep that was spinning toward her.

Somehow she managed to avoid getting hit, and her little Taurus screeched to a stop on the side of the road.

When she finally came out of her initial shock, she bolted out of the car to see if she could help. She fumbled for her phone as she surveyed the scene. Three cars spread out over the freeway, a Black Camaro was the farthest away, its front end completely crushed and smoking. In the middle, laying on it's side, a white SUV resembled a crumpled styrofoam coffee cup, and right in front of her an old light blue Jeep, the driver's side beaten in.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Penny jogged to the Jeep first. The driver's door was completely smashed in so she had to approach from the passenger side. Thankfully it was unlocked. Penny inhaled, steadying herself for a moment before yanking on the door to see what the damage was to the person inside. She gasped. Resting atop of the deflated airbag was what appeared to be a young woman, not much older than her. Blood covered the left side of her face from a large laceration at the top of her head. But what was more shocking for the young intern was her obvious pregnant belly, and the darkening pool of blood between her thighs.

"Oh god..."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..." Penny panted, wiping her eyes. How was it possible? How did it seem that the very patient who changed her life was now her boss? Her attending? She couldn't do this... she shook her head... no, she couldn't work here.

Suddenly the door opened, and Penny shifted on her bunk, turning away from the door.

"I'm just saying Herman has a stick up her ass," a man said. "You should call her on it. This is a teaching hospital, you're one of the best surgeon's here, she had no right to treat you like crap."

"- And I'm saying that it's nothing I can't handle, Karev. Yeah, Herman's tough, but Callie and I can handle her."

"Whatever, but she shouldn't be operating if she's been having migraines. You need to talk to her."

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