Chapter One

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Scott stared out the window as his headphones drowned out everything, leaving nothing but the beat. He closed his eyes, concentrating on not feeling anything.


He sighed and reached into his pocket to turn up the volume. Resting his forehead against the window. He welcomed the cool feeling of the window on his slightly feverish skin.


He tried to ignore it.


Someone grabbed his headphones and pulled them out of his ears. With a sigh he turned toward the person he had been trying, really trying to ignore for the whole bus ride. His annoyance didn't show on his expressionless face but it didn't need to, his tone said it clearly enough.

"Give me my earphones back."

She smirked and dangled his earphones between her slender fingers as she twirled them around. "Don't wanna."

He starred at her for a moment before turning back towards the window. He had just closed his eyes when she spoke again.

"So you're new, right? Name's Angela, yours?"

He looked at her, really looked at her this time.

If he had to say something that really stood out about her it would have to have been her hair. Cut short and spiky to just below her chin and dyed a deep purple. She had a kind of punk rocker look to her. Her makeup was dark without being too heavy and her eye-shadow made her gray eyes look as sharp as granite. The last thing that stood out about her was her piercings. She had three helix and an industrial piercing in her left ear and two studs in her right along with a plain hoop earring in her left and right lobes. She had a small loop piercing on her bottom lip. All of them were a bright silver.

It took him a while before he finally answered her.

"Scott." he said and held out his hand.

She smiled and handed him back his earphones. "Now that wasn't so hard was it."

He was about to put his headphones back in when she talked to him again.

"So, when did you get here? That tan says you're from out of town. We don't get any sun here, just snowstorms."

He debated whether or not he should answer.

"Unlucky time to move though," she continued. "Its blizzard season right now. Must have been hard adjusting to all the snow."

He gave up and slipped his headphones into his pocket. "You really like to talk, don't you?" he asked but it wasn't really a question.

"And? Do you have a problem with that?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I think I'm starting to." he mumbled and then answered her previous question. "We moved here last week."


"My dad died." he said flatly.

"Oh," she was quiet for a moment and he was beginning to hope that she had shut up when her mouth opened again. "Personally, I would have picked somewhere warmer to move."

He resigned himself to her babble for the rest of the bus ride to school, already hating his first day here.

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