Chapter Twelve

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Once school was over the weekend had officially arrived. Scott was standing at his locker getting ready to head home when he was ambushed.

"So," Angela leaned against the locker next to his, "You ready to go?"

"Go? Go where?" Scott raised an eyebrow in question as Angela danced around him to block off his escape route.

"To the party of course." she smiled.

"Uh-huh." He slammed his locker shut and walked around her toward the doors. "And who's party is this exactly?"


Scott stopped in his tracks. "Mine?"

"Yep!" she smiled and grabbed his arm, latching on with a vise like grip that made it impossible to shake her off. "Think of it as a welcoming party." she said as she began to drag him off to hell knows where.

Outside in the parking lot Jeremy was waiting by a beaten up old truck. When they drew close Scott looked at the rusted piece of junk and muttered, "No way in hell, am I getting into that death trap."

Jeremy pouted and petted the nose of the car as one would a beloved pet. Rust flaked off to reveal the metallic under coverings as his hand rubbed back and forth. 

"Shh, Rachel will hear you." he leaned over to give his side view mirror a tender hug. "It's okay, sweetheart. He didn't mean it."

Scott shot a glance at Angela. "He named his truck Rachel?"

"Jere might not look it, but he's good with cars. Built Rachel here with nothing but spare parts and a whole butt-load of elbow grease." she walked over to the side of the truck and pried the metal door open with a rusted creak. 

She bowed, and waved her arm in a flourish like she was presenting a brand new car. Not something that looked like it had been pulled out of a metal graveyard fifty years ago. "Your ride awaits you, good sir."

Scott felt the urge to scream for help, or plead for mercy, as he was practically stuffed into the ripped leather seats. He sat between Jeremy at the wheel, and Angela who blocked his only reliable way out. The only other door had no handle and seemed to have been welded shut. Since any route of escape had been blocked he resigned himself and spent the whole bumpy car ride praying the walls of the truck wouldn't suddenly fall apart.

It was an hour of winding back roads before any semblance of human life appeared, and quite suddenly too. Jeremy had just rounded a particularly sharp corner when a house appeared out from behind the dense forest of trees. The two story home was the only spot of color to be found in this bleak white wonderland. The foundation was made of bright red bricks, the rest of the house looked like half a forest was sacrificed to produce the logs making up its expansive walls.

Jeremy drove right up to the garage with two large shutter doors that clattered open when Angela reached over and pushed a button on the dash. There was a bump as Jeremy drove over the lip of cement leading up into the parking and Scott barely saved himself a sore face as he jumped forward into the dash. The strip of cloth that was his seat belt bit into his stomach and he could feel it giving a little. He paled, swearing that even if he died, he would never step foot into Jeremy's rickety truck ever again.

The car steamed to a stop in the middle of the garage as the shutter door closed behind them. Literally, of what snow there was left on the hood sizzled and melted from the heat of the engine. 

Angela slammed the door open and hopped out, holding it open as she looked back at Scott. Jeremy turned halfway towards Scott expectantly. Scott however was shaking in his that was the floor.

"Well," Angela smirked. "are you coming or not?"

Realizing that the only way out, and the safest escape he had was through the passenger door, Scott slid across the seat and jumped down onto the granite floor. 

Still a little shaky he cleared his throat before asking, "Where are we?"

Jeremy reached the passenger side, Angela holding the door open for him, as they both looked at Scott and said in unison, "Our house."

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