Game On

600 9 7

31st October
Voyeur POV

"Brii." Freddie whined, twisting around in the bar stool to face his friend.

"Hm?" Brian replied, words failing him as the alcohol flowed through his system.

"You should-" Freddie paused. He stared with wide eyes at his friend until he hiccuped loudly. "You should do No Nut November." Freddie challenged, leaning forward towards his friend.

"What's that?" Brian slurred, leaning forwards as well but almost falling off of the barstool in the process. Freddie guffawed at him before flagging the bartender to order 4 more shots for them.

"It's a thing in November," Freddie started, pausing as he tried to form a coherent sentence in his head. "Where lots of men try not to nut for the whole of the month." Freddie explained, using very exaggerated hand gestures to illustrate what he meant.

"Eugh. You want me to try that? Why?" Brian questioned, grabbing Freddie's wrist to stop him continuing the very lewd gesture he was performing.

"Because. Funny." Freddie reasoned, thanking the bartender as he slid a tray of four shots towards them. Freddie picked one up and sniffed it. Vodka neat.

"Is that it?" Brian snorted, grabbing a shot as well and swirling it around in his glass.

"I think that's a perfectly valid reason, darling." Freddie persuaded, downing his shot and wiping his mouth as Brian did the same.

"And how do you expect me to keep Roger at bay?" Brian snorted, leaning heavily onto the bar in an attempt to not fall off of his stool.

"That's your problem, not mine." Freddie shrugged, swaying in his seat as his most recent shot took effect.

"I really don't think this is a good idea." Brian protested, his mind trying to come up with ways he could convince Freddie to drop it. Being extremely inebriated made this an almost impossible task.

"What, because of Roger? That's not a very good excuse, dear." Freddie raised an eyebrow, or tried to. He ended up squinting a little as he had consumed so much alcohol. They both had, and they were both more than a little bit muddled.

"Well in fairness you don't have a good reason for why I should do it in the first place." Brian countered, proud of himself for coming up with a good reply whilst his blood was probably 15% alcohol at that point.

"I don't, but I know you like a challenge. Come on, Bri!" Freddie whined, resulting to childish techniques to try and get Brian to participate.

"I do like a challenge, but not one that will cause me to have a whiny boyfriend for a whole month. Even a week would be pushing it, he's very.." Brian trailed off, not quite knowing how to describe it and how much he wanted to reveal to Fred about his sex life.

"Prolific. Needy. Horny?" Freddie suggested, giggling drunkenly as Brian blushed and glanced around to make sure no one was listening. Or maybe his cheeks were just red from the alcohol.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. All of them. But you don't understand, Fred. He'd either kill me, wank me off in my sleep so I lose or leave me. I can't think of which one would be worse." Brian shuddered at the thoughts.

"Definitely the wanking one. Then you'd lose No Nut November." Freddie pointed out as if it was obvious.

"I'm still not doing it. Not until you give me a good reason." Brian huffed, crossing his arms in front of him.

"You still haven't given me a good reason why not!" Freddie argued, slamming his fist on the bar, albeit a lot louder than he had meant to. Brian jumped and glared at him for the noise, as people were now looking over at them.

No Nut November Where stories live. Discover now