Game Over

439 7 3

Tuesday 30th November

Brian sighed with extreme frustration as he closed the door to their apartment. The whole day was going wrong. He'd missed the bus so was late to work, he forgot to take lunch with him so had to buy lunch, and to top it all of the students were being utter assholes.

"Bad day?" Roger asked as he saw Brian's sour expression. The brunette threw his bag down and fell back onto the sofa, covering his face and letting out a long groan.

"Terrible." He grumbled, not moving his hands away from his face. He felt the sofa dip next to him as Roger sat down as well. Roger's hands took his and pulled them away from his face.

"Tell me about it." Roger demanded, stroking Brian's knuckles with his thumb.

"There's not much to say except everything went wrong." Brian replied in a grouchy tone. He was sick of talking to people and wanted to be alone for a while. He was also deathly tired and was in desperate need of a nap.

"Okay, tell me later. I can tell you're fed up and tired." Roger said, pressing a kiss to the back of Brian's hand before going to the kitchen and leaving him in peace. Brian watched him go with shock, still astounded that Roger knew him well enough to accurately guess exactly what he needed at any time. The thought brought a smile to his face as he got up and went to the bedroom. He stripped out of his uncomfortable work clothes and hummed with relief as he slid into bed.

It took him a while to accept that his mind would just not shut off. He did feel a bit calmer, but he just could not sleep. He knew why - it was the last day of his challenge. He'd been fighting a semi-hard on all day, as his mind was apparently determined to get him to lose on the last day.

His hormones were running wild. He'd been denied orgasm too many times, and now his mind knew it was almost over. Which meant that he was going insane with the tantalising end to his month of torture. He made a noise of frustration and got out of bed, pulling on a pair of purposely loose joggers and an old t-shirt.

"Oh, hey, how're you feeling?" Roger asked as Brian walked into the living room where Roger was watching something on the TV.

"I couldn't sleep. But I'm feeling a lot better." He shrugged, moving Roger's feet and sitting down. Roger immediately put his feet back down in Brian's lap, far too close to Brian's crotch for his liking. He didn't say anything though and squinted at the TV, trying to get the gist of what Roger was watching.

"I don't even know what this is. I'm waiting for it to be over, The Linguini Incident is on afterwards." Roger explained, looking bored as he waited for the show to finish.

"The Linguini Incident, eh? Bit of a random film for them to show." Brian commented, not complaining though.

"I think it's the anniversary of its release or something. I don't care. It's got David Bowie in it and the plot is good." Roger replied, sitting up - much to Brian's relief. Instead, the blond leaned against Brian's side and curled into his warmth.

"Fair." Brian agreed, glad that the film would provide a welcome distraction.

"Wanna tell me about your day while we wait?" Roger asked again, ready to get snapped at again.

"Yeah, okay.." Brian mumbled, sighing. "I missed the bus, first off. I must've walked too slow. Then, I forgot to make any lunch so I had to buy it from the awfully expensive canteen at the school. And to make it all worse, all of the kids were being absolute dicks today."

"Shit, that does sound bad." Roger admitted, taking Brian's hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

"It's done now, so whatever." Brian dismissed, nudging his boyfriend as the film started. Neither of them spoke for the whole thing, but Brian desperately tried to avoid thinking of the sexual scenes too much. He desperately tried to avoid thinking about how good it would feel when he finally got to orgasm.

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