Morning After

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The next morning

Brian let out a long, pained groan as he woke up. His head felt like someone was hammering his skull with a jackhammer, and his tongue felt like cotton in his mouth. His body was aching and he vowed to never get that drunk again. A wave of nausea rolled over him, and he just about managed to hold it down, gulping heavily. He went to get out of bed, and as he did so he saw a few pills and a glass of water on his bedside table.

"Thank god for Roger." He said to himself, before hauling himself up and hurrying to the bathroom as another wave of nausea caused him to collapse by the toilet bowl and empty his stomach contents.

"I had a feeling that would happen." Roger's semi-sympathetic voice was barely heard over the sounds of Brian retching violently.

"Fuck off." Brian croaked, not in the mood for a lecture about how he shouldn't have drunk so much. It would be rich coming from the blond anyway.

"I think I have a right to be a little annoyed at you." Roger said, crossing his arms with a slight pout. Brian raised his head slightly in confusion, before turning back to vomit again.

"Wha?" He mumbled, leaning his forehead against the cool toilet.

"We can talk when you feel better. There's a few pills and a bottle of water on your bedside table. I'll be in the kitchen." Roger advised, leaving the room and leaving Brian with a sense of dread. What on earth had he done? This thought dwelled as he wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet, standing up weakly. He shuffled towards his bedroom and downed the water and pills. The jackhammer in his head subsided a little, and he sat on the end of his bed for a few minutes, desperately trying to remember what he'd done so he could form an apology before talking to Roger. All he could remember was Freddie ordering another tray of shots because they were talking about something disagreeable.

Groaning in annoyance at himself and his own actions, he stood up shakily and got undressed out of his pyjamas. He put them in the hamper, grimacing at the few drops of vomit on them. Looking through his wardrobe, he found a worn old t-shirt and a pair of old jeans to wear for what he presumed what not be a very good day. He took a deep breath before making his way into the kitchen, ready for whatever wrath he faced. He was well used to Roger's anger by now, as they'd been seeing each other for almost a year and had even discussed moving in together. He hoped that whatever he'd done hadn't ruined any of that.

"Feeling better?" Roger asked as Brian slid onto one of the stools at the kitchen island. The fact that Roger asked his wellbeing was a very good sign.

"A little. Thanks for the help." Brian said with gratitude. A good start. Roger nodded and went back to what he was doing at the stove. Brian peeked over his shoulder and saw that the blond was making scrambled eggs and there was some bread in the toaster. Scrambled eggs on toast was Brian's favourite breakfast and it reassured him a little. Roger obviously wasn't too mad at him.

"You're welcome, Bri. I made your favourite breakfast." Roger confirmed Brian's suspicions, as he gestured towards the toaster and the stove.

"You're an absolute godsend. I love you." Brian sighed, leaning heavily on the island as he felt he didn't have the strength to hold himself up yet.

"I love you too. But I'm still a little pissed off." Roger reminded him that he wasn't entirely in the right.

"What on earth did I do, Rog?" Brian asked desperately, wanting to know what he did so he could correct it as soon as possible.

"Well, nothing yet technically. But you agreed to a challenge Fred proposed to you." Roger replied vaguely. Brian gulped, knowing how extravagant and dangerous Freddie's ideas could be.

"What did I agree to? And where is Fred?" Brian questioned, sitting up a little.

"Fred's gone home. He crashed here but woke up feeling a lot better than you, so he went home. He left a little note for you." Roger beat around the bush, and it was starting to irritate Brian. He was about to ask what he agreed to again, but Roger slid a piece of paper to him across the kitchen island.

'Don't forget - no wanking! No nutting! No cumming of any way!
Love Fred xx'

As Brian read the note over and over, his memory came flooding back. He remembered what he'd agreed to and groaned in despair. Why had he agreed? Freddie had been insistent, yes, but if Brian had wanted he could easily have shown Fred that he really wasn't up for it.

"I'm so sorry, Rog. I-" Brian stopped, not knowing what to say. He couldn't see Roger's face either so he didn't know what the blond was feeling.

"It's okay, Bri. It's only a month. But it's not the most desirable situation." Roger shrugged, turning around with two plates of scrambled eggs on toast. Brian's mouth practically watered at the sight and he scrunched the note in his hand. 

"I'm still sorry, Rog. I shouldn't have agreed..I promise I tried to dissuade him but you know how he is." Brian insisted, taking a bite of his breakfast and sighing blissfully.

"I'm sure you did. Please don't get too upset about it, it's done now. But hey, you can still get me off, right?" Roger winked, reaching over and patting Brian's hand that was laying on the worktop.

"Of course!" Brian nodded enthusiastically, determined to keep Roger as happy as possible during the month. Roger hummed in satisfaction, and picked up his knife and fork.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Rog. It's delicious." Brian said, trying to stay on Roger's good side. The blond just laughed and shook his head, leaning back in his seat slightly.

"You don't have to be extra nice, Bri." He laughed again as Brian's cheeks flushed red and he nodded obediently.

"Okay. Sorry." The brunette said, laughing as well. They finished in silence as Brian considered his situation. A month wasn't too long, right? It was only 30 days, and he was at work for 22 of those.

"You alright?" Roger asked, touching Brian's arm and causing him to jump.

"Yeah, yeah. Just making a plan." He replied, smiling at the ridiculousness of making a plan of how not to engage in sexual activity. Roger laughed at the strangeness of the situation and cleared away the empty plates whilst Brian continued thinking. Eventually, Brian decided he would be able to win if he busied himself sufficiently with work. He walked over to Roger, remembering the one important detail of the whole thing.

"Rog. I forgot to say. The only reason why I agreed is because Fred is paying me £50 quid if I can do it honestly." Brian explained, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend for the first time that day. Roger smiled into the kiss and was still grinning when they pulled apart.

"What?" Brian asked, Roger's smile being contagious and causing Brian to smile too.

"Well in that case - you'd better not lay a finger on that dick!"

(Stuck at home with fucking laryngitis, so I've updated again lol. Also decided I like writing in shorter chapters, it's a nice change.)

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