Chapter 4: Ravenclaw

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As Wren stepped down from the train onto the platform she felt Rosewaine's hand slip into hers so that they wouldn't get separated on the dark, crowded and smoke filled platform. As they began to weave their way through the crowd, following in the direction that everyone seemed to be moving. Suddenly they heard a booming west country accent calling out 'Firs' years, Firs' years.Follow me.' Wren craned her neck, standing on tiptoes to see where the voice was coming from but she soon realised he was easy to spot. At the far end of the platform stood the most enormous man that Wren had ever seen, holding a lantern, his bushy unkempt beard blending into his shaggy hair and fur coat. The towering man seemed to consist entirely of hair other than the gap for his nose and eyes to poke through. Rosewaine pulled Wren towards the mountain of a man, joining the group of other first years who were all looking up at the man with varying levels of awe. It was not often, if ever, that most of them had come across a man as tall as a one story building in their lives.

Once the man was satisfied that all the new first years were present and accounted for he introduced himself. 'My name is Rubeus Hagrid, Groundskeeper at Hogwarts. I'll be taking you across the lake tonight.' He explained jubilantly as he rocked back and forth on his heels.

'Lake?' Rosewaine repeated in a surprised whisper next to Wren. Wren had been told all about this tradition by her parents so she was well prepared but she could tell that Rosewaine had become rather nervous by the idea.

'Don't worry, the boats row themselves.' Wren explained trying to reassure her new friend.

'Oh, that's useful but it's not that. My granny foretold that i would cross a large expanse of water in the near future and her predictions are never a good omen.' Rosewaine squeaked.

In the process of getting to know Rosewaine on the train Wren had found out quite a bit about her new friend such as the fact that she was from a Romani gypsy family and had spent most of her life travelling around the British isles. She had also found out that Rosewaine was the first witch to be born to her family for a long time but that her grandmother had always said that her own grandmother had been a witch and that there would be a witch again. In that instance, Rosewaine had proved her right but given the facts that Wren had learnt she didn't quite understand how her muggle grandmother could possess the gift of clairvoyance to the point of such a prediction being a muggle herself.

'I'll stay close,if that helps,' Wren offered. Rosewaine nodded gratefully as she looped her arm around Wren's elbow.

The first years followed Hagrid's lantern light down to the lake bank where they found a fleet of small, wooden rowing boats awaiting them. Carefully Wren and Rosewaine clambered into one, bunching up their robes to make sure they didn't drag in the water. Each boat could hold about eight first years at a time. As they had been the first on their boat, the two girls had managed to get the best seats right at the helm.

Once all the first years had boarded their vessels, the boats began to slowly move, gliding over the glass still waters of the lake in the dark. At first the only light emitted was from the lanterns attached to boats bow, rocking a little along with the movement of the vessel, but as they moved silently in what seemed to be an endless expanse their eyes became drawn to a new source of light dancing and shimmering on the rippling water. At first only a warm glow could be seen but as they rounded a bank in the loche the sight that awaited them took their breath away. Wren stared up at the glowing windows of the most beautiful castle she had ever seen. Its windows all aglow in the night, shining out like a lighthouse on its hill, beaconing them towards it. Though many of the finer details were hidden in the darkness of the night, Wren could make out soaring turrets, battlements and walkways. The castle of Hogwarts was larger and more extravagant than Wren had ever imagined in all her childhood wonderings.

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