Chapter 23: Praising Pansies

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Wren knelt by her trunk the morning of her departure from Hogwarts for the year and placed her last few possessions neatly on top of all her folded clothes. She was about to close the lid when she heard a howl of frustration emit from the direction of Rosewaines bed.

'I swear I left my cards on my bed and now they are no wear to be seen! Nanna will kill me if i have lost them!' Rosewaine exhaled in frustration as she scrabbled around in her bedside table draws searching for her tarot cards.

Wren stood and servayed the bomb sight that was Rosewaines bed and surrounding area. Rosewaine had always been the messier out of the pair, often opting to leave clothes piled on the floor instead of folding them and cramming things under her bed whilst Wren kept her space clean and tidy with a proper place for everything. Wren never minded that her friend was a little more free with the placement of her own belongings, only in situations like this did it ever become a problem.

Wren's eyes scanned the assortment of objects until her eyes caught sight of a small cardboard box poking out from under the bed. She pointed to it, careful not to touch them herself as everyone knew it was bad luck to touch other witches cards. Rosewaine's face filled with relief as she ducked down and plucked them from the shadows.

During the next half an hour, Wren helped Rosewaine organise and pack the rest of her possessions and embark on the customary argument with Eremial to get into her travelling cage. After many screeching protests and bribes of treats, the little white owl had finally hopped into her cage and Wren was finally ready to leave. She took one last look at the beautiful dormitory that had been her home for a year then closed the door and began to make her way down to the pick up zone at the front of the castle.

As the four friends met up and climbed into a carriage together, Wren couldn't help but feel rather odd about leaving school. She was beyond excited to see her family again but she realised that she was going to feel home sick from Hogwarts whilst there. As the carriage pulled away, trundling down the bumpy lane, Wren looked back at the castle until it disappeared from sight.

'We will be back before you know it.' Rosewaine said with a comforting smile.

'Yeah, time will fly n'before ya know it, we'll be back in class, bored tae tears.' Rory chimed in with a grin.

Erris stayed very quiet. It was evident that he was finding leaving his safe haven very challenging at that moment.

'I will write to you. A letter a day if it will help a little. You'll be so bogged down replying to all my letters you won't have time for anything else,' Wren joked, trying to coax Erris out of his head.

'I'd like that,' he replied quietly, his lips curling into a small smile.

'As ya know, I'm no' much o' a writer but I can draw yous rude pictures that'll brighten ya day.' Rory offered with a mischievous glint in his eye. 'Malcolms no' half bad at bewitching them neither, he can animate anything, he can.'

'You have piqued my curiosity.' Erris gave his friend a crooked grin. An expression rarely seen on his rather serious face but always a delight when it appeared.

The coaches dropped the students off at the Hogwarts gates which led to the train platform. The scarlet steam train awaited them, puffing smoke that billowed over the crowds of children. Rory, Erris, Rosewaine and Wren linked arms to ensure they did not get separated as they pushed their way through the crowd and onto the train. They quickly found an empty carriage and set up camp for the long journey home, settling their squawking birds who had been desturbed by the chaotic crowds of children.

Sullivan and Eremial were allowed out into the compartment to stretch their wings,however, as soon as Rory pulled out his mice, both birds eyes locked in on the little creatures and he quickly returned them to his pocket calling them both sick and depraved creatures. His friends couldn't help but giggle at this.

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