Epilogue. 1820 

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Sunlight sparkle brilliantly against the clear blue sky, casting golden beams of light across the snow. The trees were bare of any leaves, the branches fluttering. The air was crisp and cold, but no one complained.
Anthony and Cordelia smiled as they stood in the doorway of their parlor, watching their children running around. They giggled as their children darted around the gorgeous Christmas tree in circles. They couldn't believe how happy they were, now that they were a family of four.
John was three years old and a little bundle of joy and energy. He always made sure everyone had a smile on their face and not a frown. He was very well mannered, but sometimes did get himself into mischief.
Two year old Amelia Mary Cordelia Barrington was a spitting image of her mother, right down to her dark red curls and dazzling blue green eyes. Like her older brother, she adored him and her parents. She always wanted to snuggle with everyone she met.
George and Maria came to visit Anthony in Cordelia whenever they could, bringing their children with them. The Barrington cousins got along very well, sometimes getting into squabbles over toys. However, those squabbles never took more than a few minutes to resolve.
Robert was now settled with a young lady who was the daughter of a merchant. Her name was Diana, and she and Robert had become engaged after nearly 6 months of their courtship. They had a pair of twins, one boy and one girl.
With what little money he had left, Roger put his brain to good use for once. He stopped gambling and made his money by investing in stocks. He soon found himself a lovely young woman who became his wife.
As they continued watching their children play, Anthony and Cordelia felt blessed. They had a Family. They had their happily ever after. And everything had begun with a Christmas engagement. That engagement had tide them together in a beautiful ribbon of love forever.

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