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Dave couldn't move—he wasn't paralyzed, but restrained. He tried to force his arms out of their crossed position or spread his legs apart even just a little but to no avail. Everything was silent and he felt cold. Something was covering his entire body, face and all, keeping him stuck in that exact position and making it harder to breathe.

He tried not to let panic set in as muffled voices from above fell to his ears.

'What are they talking about? What did I do?' Dave thought.

More and more voices joined in, eventually making a messy wall of speech that Dave couldn't get a single real word out of anymore. They grew louder and louder, slowly organizing once more.

"Bury him! Bury him!"

'Bury me?'

The first bit of weight landed on his stomach, not even that heavy, but something very fine in texture was slowly finding its way through whatever bindings his body was encased in, able to feel it grind against his skin between the layers.

"Bury him!"

More and more small batches of the material pelted him, his heart pounding faster the closer it came to reaching his face. He squirmed and writhed, desperately trying to free himself, to do anything. Why was this happening? What could he possibly have done?

It finally started to cover his face, making Dave's already panicked and labored breathing even more difficult. Less and less air filled his lungs with every breath, a terrible burn erupting deep within his chest as his body screamed for precious oxygen. Moving around was only wasting what little he had, so Dave stopped struggling and focused on breathing at a normal pace; it didn't help.

Pain and terror began to eat away at him, unable to think about anything else aside from the fact that he was suffocating. More and more pressure was building up on top of and within his ribcage, face totally concealed and blocking any hope for breath. Little by little, the sound of his heart crept into his ears while the chanting faded away, leaving him all by himself to die.

'Please, I don't want to be alone,' Dave begged internally, 'It's scary, I hate it, everything hurts.'

It was too late now; no one was going to dig him up and he was already halfway to Death's doorstep; such a friendly fellow was always quick to invite in his guests.

'I want my-'

"-ave? Dave, c'mon..."

Clay's tired, croaky, but comforting voice broke through Dave's own sad inner monologue, cutting through his nightmare and freeing him of his nighttime prison. Soft hands caressed Dave's face and a warm body sat on top of his own as he panted, sweat rolling down his temples, neck, and chest.

"Are you okay? Normally I don't wake you up but this time seemed really bad, so... I didn't want you to just keep dreaming."

Only another nightmare then; everything was okay.

Dave needed to just spit out his feelings already before they overcame him in the dead of night.

"I'm..." Dave gulped, "I'm okay. This nightmare was a little out of the ordinary is all."

It was incredibly early and still dark outside. Clay needed to help Tommy with archery today after he returned from filming; Dave thought he should get some extra rest.

"You can go back to slee-"

"I can," Clay interrupted, "but I won't. I'm not leaving you alone like this."

Clay smiled at the pig underneath him as he leaned down and touched their foreheads together. Both men shut their eyes and Dave tilted his chin up slightly, their lips just barely crossing paths for a moment. Clay immediately went back to Dave for seconds, quiet breaths being the only sounds that left their connected mouths.

WORSHIP ( ❥ ) DREAMNOBLADE [Reupload]Where stories live. Discover now