Chapter 7

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"Mama! Good morning!" Michelle cheered and let M/n get up.

"Michelle I told you not to call M/n mama, he might be uncomfortable with that" Micheal said as he walked inside the room.

"Good morning papa" Micheal said and got on the bed to hug M/n.

"What are you all doing here?" Austin said coming out of the bathroom after taking a bath.

"Good morning papa/father" the kids said and bid their good byes.

"Good morning M/n" Austin smiled and walked to the walk in closet.

M/n goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth but for some reason he can't help but stare at the two toothbrush in one cup.

"I still can't believe that we are living together... Like a couple" M/n blushed at the thought.

"What are you doing?" M/n turned his head to see Austin leaning on the door frame wearing his lose tank top and sweat pants.

"Don't just stare at the toothbrush, and hurry up the kids are waiting" Austin said and pat M/n's head.

As Austin got out of the bedroom, he looked at his hand admiringly.

"It's weird... But in a good way" Austin thought and walked away.

"Good morning father/dad" says the twins and continue eating.

"Ready for school?" Austin asked while putting his napkin on his lap.

"Yes!/No.." the twins said in unison.

"Brother, how can you hate school? It's fun" Michelle said while munching on the chicken.

"I don't hate schools"

"That's good then-"

"I despise them, mostly people around us, did you forget what those kids did when we're still at the orphanage?" Micheal said and walked out the dinning room.

"I can never change him huh?" Michelle said and looked down.

"It's not your fault Michelle, he'll eventually give up and try making friends, I was like that when I've had my first betrayal, it's hard to trust someone but at the right time he'll try to be friended with someone" M/n said and pat Michelle's head to cheer her up.

"Thanks mama" Michelle said and gave M/n a hug.

After a while Austin got up didn't even bother to finish a small amount of his meal.

"Austin, where are you going?" M/n said and stopped wiping Michelle's mouth to look at Austin.

"Work, I need to change my clothes" Austin said and walked off.

On his way to his office he saw Micheal's door.

He decided to talk to Micheal before he go and change his clothes.

"Micheal" Austin said and knocked at the door.

Not a moment later the door opened revealing a puffy eyed Micheal.

"You look like a fish, a puffer fish to be exact" Austin joked, but Micheal just looked at him like he's not his father.

"You need something?"

"Look, I know it's not my place to say this to you, but please try to talk to other kids, I know what they did is unexceptable but not all of them, I'm telling you, because that's how I met your uncles and aunties, and my...- nevermind that, so shall we" Austin extend his hand, and Micheal think about it and it seems like his sister really likes it when he talked to other people, so why not give it a try?

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