Chapter 8

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"Are you excited brother!?" Michelle said with pure excitement in her voice.

"Yes" Micheal smiled genuinely at Michelle and patted her head.

M/n looked at this and softened his gaze when he saw the two.

"I need you to meet someone he is so nice, he gave me his lunch box when I forgot mine!" Michelle said as she jumped out of the van.

Michelle walked and dragged her brother at the same time.

"That is him" Michelle pointed at the "girl" with a bob hairstyle in boyish clothes.


"Brother we don't do discrimination in this household" Michelle said and continued to drag him.

"Jason! Good morning!"

"Oh, good morning to you too, Michelle" the "girl" stopped reading and smiled at Michelle.

"And who is this?" Micheal asked.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce him, brother this is Jason Kim, Jason this is my brother Micheal" Michelle introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Jason" Micheal said, making Michelle surprised, she never thought that he would be like this.

"It's nice to meet you too!"

Before they can talk further the bell rings signaling that they need to go inside.

"So what do you like?" Jason asked while doing some coloring activity.

"Being alone" Micheal answered in a cold tone.

"That's nice" Jason said and still sit beside him.

"You have the audacity huh"

"What's that?" Jason asked.

"Nothing, but anyways why are you here, shouldn't you been beside my sister"

"She's having fun with her friends, beside it's their girl talk, mom said don't ever interrupt a girl when they're having a girl talk because they would feel embarrassed" Jason said and continued coloring.

"You tresure the word privacy right"

"Your words are deep, sometimes I don't understand what you're saying" Jason said.

"That's better that way"

"Why, are you talking bad?"

"No, it's just your tiny brain can't handle it"


"Hey, look it's the sissy" said the bully and pointed at Jason.

A lot of boys laughed and continued to pull Jason's hair.

The teacher has gone for a bathroom break so no one has been watching the children for the past five minutes.

"Hey! That hurts!" Jason said and pulled the boy's hair harder than how the boy pulled his hair.

Jason then got teamed up by a bunch of boys, and some of the girls go to the bathroom and find the teacher.

Micheal then punched the boys in their guts so they would curl up in pain.

"What are you going to do to me?" the bully said backing up then got cornered.

"That's for you to worry about and me to deal with" Micheal said and beat the boy.

"This is why daddy always choose violence over peace, see how the bully got easily dominated by a little violence" Michelle said sitting beside Jason who is watching Micheal beat the boy terrifyed.

"You call that little" Jason nearly yelled.

"Oh our lovely Jason, you don't know how violent brother is" Michelle said enjoying the view.

Even though the view is scary Jason didn't feel any fear but worrisome, what if he got kicked out? He don't know what to do, he might just meet the boy for a few hours but he grown attached to him, and besides he's the very first person that protected him.

"Brother stop that the teacher might come" Michelle said and go back to her seat.

"Now don't tell anyone about this or you know what will happen, right?" Micheal whispered in the boy's ear, the boy then nod his head scared for his life.

"Now clean up or else the teacher might notice" Micheal said and go to the baby sink (it's like a small sink for the kids, I forgot what it's called) and clean his hands.

"Here so you would hide those bruises, you deserved it" Michelle said.

"What is happening here!?" The teacher said panting.

"It's (bully's name) he and the boys teamed up on Jason" the girl said.

"Are you ok? Jason"

"It's fine teacher, Micheal stop them, and the girls combed my hair"

"Now boys go to the principal office, and (bully's name) you're expelled, last time is the last warning, and you've crossed the line this time"


So I forgot to tell you that Austin is a mafia and a business man to hide his identity, and I'll publish a chapter of the twins backstory next time so you wouldn't be as confuse as the old book.

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