3: An Urge

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Sakura POV

Being the captain of Unit 3 for the Raeixan Seraph Division, it only makes sense that you are loyal to Raeix. If they order you to fight, you'll be there. If they ask you to report to them, report to them you will. If they ask you to lead an attack against an entire planet, apparently you'll do that too.

Rose pink eyes glow.

"Captain Miyawaki, do we have your attention?"

Your eyes snap from out the window to Commander Hong. You flash him a smile. "My full attention, Sir."

The man glares at you before turning back to the Council.

"Then, will you tell us about the girl?"

Your jaw tightens, but your smile stays.

"No, actually, I will not," You bring your hands behind your back, keeping them there as the Council looks at you with a blank stare. You may be loyal, but you have no mind in being stubborn to even the most powerful people.

"Captain, we understand that she is not a part of your mission, but now that she is in your custody—" Council Member Ry begins, but he closes his mouth once you open yours.

"Precisely. She is in my custody, so I will decide when to speak of her," Your smile is gone from your face, and you speak clearly. "I think it's a bit rude to talk about someone when they're not present, don't you?"

Council Member Ry opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off once again by another Council Member that switches to the topic of the mission your unit was sent on. You've grown tired of that subject.

Your mind wanders, and it finds the bob-haired girl that appeared so abruptly. Before you were called upon for yet another meeting, you helped her back to your room so she could rest. At first, she insisted on lying on the floor, and that was the most you've seen her talk in the few hours that you've known her for. However, you finally convinced her to rest on your bed when you told her that resting uncomfortably would slow her healing process.

Of course, lying down with broken ribs would also slow the healing process, so you had to accommodate her with pillows to keep Chaewon upright. She complained, initially, but when you told her the effects of doing otherwise, she stayed quiet and let you help her get comfortable. The thought makes you smile.

You stayed with for a little while as she rested, and without her asking, you played some music so that your room wouldn't be entirely quiet. You now know how much she dislikes silence.

Your time with her was mostly spent without interactions because you understood that her tiredness was catching up to her. However, a surprisingly huge part of you wanted to bombard her with questions about herself, wanted to talk about everything and more with her. Except when you opened your mouth to ask, you noticed her eyes closing and struggling to stay open.

"Captain Miyawaki did a great job in overseeing the attack."

The sound of your name being said draws you out of your thoughts. You give a small smile to the Council before they avert their eyes from you and discuss other matters with the Commander.

Your mind finds Chaewon again. You remember how she plays with her fingers. You can't tell if it's a nervous tic she has since she might have been nervous the whole time she's been with you.

You imagine her weary red eyes, the way that she looks at you cautiously during the few times she meets eyes with you as she fidgets with her fingers. Her short black hair and bangs that cover her forehead.

A smirk tugs on your lips.

You remember the way she breathed when you pulled her up from the table after you finished her procedure, the way her red eyes glowed when her eyes met yours. The way her breath hit your–

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