10: Truth

143 13 21

Sakura POV

Your mornings usually consist of trying to resist the urge of skipping work that day, as your bed and the person you wake up to are too comfortable for you to get up. However, this morning is not the usual.

A deep breath, and you pull– nothing toward you. No one is there.

You're suddenly wide awake. Your eyes snap open and your arms help in pushing yourself up to a seated position. Chaewon isn't here, in your arms or in bed. As your head turns to look from one corner of the room to another in search of the girl, memories of the night before begin to come back to you, reminding you of the events.

Your mood, Raeix, the Council.

Then, Chaewon walked in through the door and things started to look alright. Albeit you didn't stop thinking about your worries, you were able to voice them to the girl you like so much. And then, there was the tension. The way she held you, the way she spoke and reassured you. She only made you fall for her deeper.

No wonder why you were about to kiss her.

And you did end up kissing her, although she was the one who initiated it. Sure, you're more than happy, but you can't help but feel a sense of guilt. Could you have made her feel pressured to?

A groan, and you bury your face in your hands.

You feel not only guilt, but also embarrassment. You were sure you hadn't even drunk to your limit, but you obviously did if you were bold enough to attempt to kiss her.

You didn't want to be a nuisance to Chaewon with your slightly drunken state as you know you can be insufferable at times.

Oh, and you also have a meeting today.

A soft laugh, finding it amusing as your work has become an afterthought, but you suppose you wouldn't have it any other way. Not when Chaewon brings you only happiness.

Tender kisses and warm smiles. You remember, how she hooked her arms around your shoulders, how you lightly let your arms rest on her waist. You remember how she pulled you on top of her when she lowered her back to rest on the couch. With heavy breaths, you continued to kiss her, fulfilling your desire from days ago when you had your dream of honey.

Just thinking about the moment makes you crave more, more of her, everything. Her fiery touch that you're addicted to, her soft whispers of sweet nothings.

Heat creeps up your face, your feelings for the younger overwhelming you.

"Are you... okay?"


Swiftly pulling your hands away from your face, your head turns towards where her voice came from. In the doorway stands Chaewon, who carries a tray with a glass of water and two bowls on it. The girl approaches you, and it becomes clear that the bowls contain yogurt with granola and various fruits sprinkled on top.

The way she cares for you astounds you, and you think you've fallen deeper.

"Yes... I'm fine," You force words out of your mouth, realizing that your ability to speak is affected by the girl.

A small smile on her lips and she sits down on the edge of the bed.

She picks up the pillow she uses at night and places it behind you, patting it. "Sit back, Sakura."

You listen to her, leaning against the pillow. Chaewon then places the tray on your lap. She watches you with expectant eyes, most likely waiting for you to eat, but you can't. You're feeling too much for her, and you want so badly to put it into words, but what you feel is indescribable. A beautiful, indescribable feeling.

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