8: Lies

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Chaewon POV

A shaky breath in as hands reach for the soft grass in front of you, kneeling on the ground.

"Why are you on Raeix?" The commander asks.

"You brought me here."

"But why?"

Red eyes shut, fingers curling to form fists. Blades of grass gather in your hands. Another deep, shaky breath. Venom spreads through your veins, and you have no choice but to endure it.

"My ship crashed. I didn't have anywhere else to go, nowhere that I can remember."

"And Sakura just chooses to trust you immediately?"

"I don't have influence on her decisions," You spit.

The venom flows throughout your body, and you feel your heart beating rapidly. Your head starts to spin, and you have to resist the urge to open your eyes again. You're too far into the process, you can't stop now when you're so close. Venom travels to your arms.

"Yes, you do! She let you go with a snap of your finger, and she's been refusing to let me interrogate you!" The commander rises from his seat and slams his hands on the table. He glares at you, a fire in his eye. "Sakura might not see it, but I do."

"Yeah? Well, you're seeing things."

An insane look in his eye. He pushes his chair away from him. "You're not safe when she's away from you, Kim."

You squeeze your eyes tighter, eyebrows furrowing at the memory of his words, how the venom in his voice fuels the venom traveling in your body. It's aggravation grows, and so does your own.

"You have a woman as pathetic as her 'protecting' you. What power does she have? She can't even protect you from me."

Your gaze lowers as you hear him moving to your side of the table. You can't move.

"No one is here to 'save you'. You're alone."

You're alone. On this planet full of your enemies, you are alone. A sharp sting to your head, and you wince. A chill runs down your spine, and you rip the grass off the ground.

You've almost reached your limit.

"Tell me the truth," The man speaks through gritting teeth. "Have you influenced Sakura's decisions?"


You've fueled his fire.

You remember it all. The crash of his chair hitting the floor, the creaks of yours  as it was pushed back when you were pulled up by the collar of your shirt. Your pleas for him to let you go, and your groan of pain when he pushed you away from him, making you land on the door. You remember it all, your frantic grabbing for the knob, how you pushed the door open only for him to put pressure on your neck. You remember your fear.

"Liar! You're a liar!"

The temperature rises by several degrees and the ground around you shakes. A heavy breath and your knees dig into the dirt.

Your breath quickens and the venom leaves your body. You feel the life around you dissipate as it enters through your hands. You feel... alive.

The energy surges through your body as you begin to weaken. You take in a breath, holding it in an attempt to keep your strength. It works for the most part, because you're able to keep going for another few seconds before you're forced to let the breath out.

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