Chapter 2

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Valdis blinked as the darkness disappeared to be replaced by a small dimly lit cavern filled with torches of blue flames. On one side there was a path with a bright light, one that she had seen once before two months ago, just looking at it made her want to walk into slightly. The path on the right however was darker, orange flames lined the path into darkness with what appeared to be a faint glow at the end. Between the two sat a large, two headed dog with a lion's tail watching them with a discriminating gaze.

            "Ingeras, you know you should not have left... or brought back a living." His voice echoed through the air though his mouth didn't open. "Or half-living."

            "I'm very alive for your information." Valdis replied, slightly unnerved. "What is that Ingeras?"

            "That is Grimm." Ingeras replied calmly, unfazed by what was going on. "He is a guardian of the paths. To the left is the path for the righteous and to the right... the not so nice people to put it in a simpler manner. Behind him is the path to judgment."

            "Welcome to the afterlife Valdis." Grimm took over the conversation again. "I disagree with your brother's intentions as they are against the rules but as they are justifiable I am sure Master will understand if I let you pass."

            "Thank you Grimm." Ingeras smiled before heading towards the tunnel of light. "Follow me, I want to show you my life in death before we get to the dangerous part."

            "I-I won't... This isn't going to kill me right?" Valdis hesitated outside the tunnel.

            "No... I don't think." Ingeras shrugged as if the thought didn't bother him. "The rules of death are wavering, you should be fine. I mean look at me; I'm not just a spirit anymore."

            "I feel so reassured." She replied sarcastically before following him into the blinding white light.

            In front of them stood a castle, one Valdis could remember well as it was the same one she had been imprisoned in. Ingeras seemed to be enjoying their new setting as he walked towards his home with a bright smile on his face as he looked up at the bright cloudless sky. It was around that time that her mind screamed at her and she looked down at her skin, none of the burning pain going through it despite all of the sunlight. She was awed that the sun didn't burn her skin here and continued to follow her half brother to the castle.

            "Where are we?" She asked, continuing to observe the land around her.

            Ingeras gave her a happy look. "My home... my paradise. Everyone here has one, their own separate paradise fit to what they think paradise is. Mine is Transylvania when it was at peace... just like this. Beautiful isn't it?"

            "Yeah..." Valdis admitted. "But the sun, it isn't hurting me."

            "Do you want it to?" He gave her a strange look. "Nothing can hurt you here. Nothing will hurt you here."

            "Not even the other spirits here?"

            "Not if you don't try hurting them."

            "What happened to nothing can hurt me?"

            Ingeras laughed a bit. "Maybe I should have clarified. Nothing can hurt you in my paradise... others' might not be so friendly if they don't want you there. You do give off a strange vibe, I'm not sure if it's because of your vampire side or the fact you are still alive, but it doesn't matter that much most people here are very friendly... No actually they all are, I've only seen one fight since I've been here and that was basically two men roughing each other up after their little sparring match got too real."

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