Chapter 13

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Valdis gave another choked scream as the guards tightened the silver bonds around her throat, somewhere in another room she could hear her father pleading with his own guards to let her free and torture him instead. Not that they would listen. They never listened. She turned her attention back to the guard with her at the sharp pain of a wooden stake being driven into her chest, not hitting her heart of course as that would destroy the point of Ingeras II orders of their torture. A few minutes later she heard the other guard give a pained shout that was suddenly cut off and Vlad broke through the door with rage written all across his face.

            "Get away from my child!" He snarled.

            Valdis struggled and tried not to scream at a sword was pressed into the skin above her heart. "If you come any closer I will kill her."

            Her father hesitated before lunging and Valdis gave an agonizing shriek as the blade made a diagonal cut through her chest and out her side before going limp in the chains and allowing the world to go dark. When she blinked open her eyes again she was faced with a congregation of monks and other villagers shouting as they pushed her to the edge of a cliff. Her wrists were bound behind her with silver laced rope while the stake from before remained in her chest, allowing her lungs to fill with her blood.

            "Monsters don't belong here!" One monk shouted. "They must be taken out like the unholy creatures they are!"

            The crowd cheered and from where she stood on the edge of the unstable cliff she could remember perfectly what was happening. This was when her father had killed his grandson and was still a few weeks journey away. Valdis struggled in her bonds but before she could break free a villager lunged forward and impaled their silver sword, given to them from the priest, through her abdomen. She fell to her knees, blood dripping out of her wounds and mouth as she tried to breathe before the monk ordered everyone back and signaled the soldier manning the canon to fire. Her eyes widened as the projectile crashed into the ground a mere three feet from her head and sent the loose rocks she was on crashing down to the watery grave below. Valdis couldn't fly away as the rocks buried her beneath the waves and aided in drowning her as water and blood continued to collect in her lungs until the waves above her faded into the white light as dawn broke over the horizon.

            She coughed, a shudder running through her body as the venom continued taking her through her deaths and looked around at the new scene. It was a house that much was obvious; whom it belonged to she didn't know. She cautiously made her way around once she found that she was uninjured or trapped, and found the source of why she was here... a dead woman lying in a bloody pool in the hallway, a look of utter terror on her face.  Valdis knelt down for a closer look, bite marks on the throat, clawed open to reveal her heart, which was missing, all in all she could tell a vampire had done it. A gun clicked, making her turn around and snarl revealing her fangs as she stared up into a wealthy looking man's dark brown eyes.

            The man reeked of fear as he saw her round on him but held the gun steady as he called his wife's name. Valdis was about to jump at him, rip him to shreds before she could be hurt, but her father appear and knocked the man aside.

            "We need to go." Vlad informed her before rushing out a window.

            Valdis took one last look at the scene and fled with him, the man was now clutching the woman's body and glaring after them as guards came into the room. She landed on the ground outside the city limits and looked at her father worriedly.

            "What's going on?"

            Vlad looked back at a part of the city was burning with a sad and furious glare. "Master killed her."

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