Chapter 12

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Valdis didn't know how long she hung there; there wasn't anything nearby to help her with the time unless she could consider the unbearable burns on her wrists and throat. She could guess her wrists had hit bone about five hours into her imprisonment, now they were numb despite the fact blood was still trailing down her arms and drying from the heat. Her throat was no better, she found it hard to breathe as the blood dripping into her lungs slowly gave her less room for the small amount of oxygen there was to sustain her. Finally however she heard footsteps and looked up to see Mehmed II walk in followed by Reece, who helped him across the river, while Valac joined them after speaking with two guards she hadn't noticed before, who were dressed in what appeared to be Roman armor.

            "Tell me, are you enjoying your stay?" Valac asked smugly.

            Valdis snarled at him but it sounded less threatening considering the blood made it sound gargled. Mehmed II smirked and turned to face the vampire king. "I think she wants something a bit better."

            "Agreed." Valac turned and brought out a blade that appeared to be made of the same shiny black rock as what Valdis was chained to. "Anything you would like to say before I continue daughter of Vlad?"

            She glared at him and flashed her fangs to try intimidating him, which didn't work, before feeling the sharp blade slip just below the skin on her arm. Valac saw the smallest of flinches and gave a grin of joy before he continued to skin her arm up to the shoulder. When that didn't give him the satisfaction of hearing her screams he took off the muscle, veins, and tendons were gone. Leaving only bone to be seen. Valdis had her teeth clenched but couldn't stop the loud hiss of pain from escaping her. He grinned at this and duplicated his actions with her second arm before placing the blade aside and taking out a familiar looking barb that Henry had pulled out of Valdis' side.

            "Ah, so you do remember!" Valac smiled cheerfully as he saw her eyes widen. "Yes, snake demons tend to love revenge and considering you took out one of their serpents... well you can only imagine how fast they jumped at the chance to let me hurt you for them, not that they won't stop by sometime to torture you as well, along with some other friends of mine!"

            "What if they kill her?" Mehmed II asked as he glanced at the barb.

            "Oh, then, my friend, they will have me to deal with. I have warned them they may do as they wish to her minus letting her free and killing her... other than that they, along with all of you can do whatever you see fit to her."

            Valdis glared coldly at him but couldn't feel her arms to even try to fail at swiping at him. At least now there wouldn't be blood leaking down and drying to make it even more uncomfortable and irritating to her skin... of course now she didn't have any skin to be irritated. She winced as Valac stabbed the barb into her skull and thrashed her head around as she tried to get it out or possibly knock herself out to end her pain for a little while. Unfortunately before that was possible the poison began to take over and began to terrible pain, mental pain. She swore it was worse than physical pain... and as she black out it only got worse. The last thing she remembered was Valac lifting up her bloody head and saying one last thing to her before leaving her.

            "This is just the beginning... next time I won't be so gentle." He sneered before letting her head drop and turning to the others. "Brutus, Cassius, you're back on guard duty. Mehmed II you can have a break... Reece, I have a project for you and Vlad, follow me."

            His minions, well Reece at least, the others obeyed because they wished to be vampires and he manipulated them into believing that someday, if they behaved would get their wish, followed his orders wordlessly. Behind him Valdis' chains rattled as she thrashed around and began to scream in her unconsciousness. It was a shame she hadn't joined him. He had seen so much potential in her defiant gaze, the stubbornness, if she helped him he knew that no matter how challenging or impossible the task, Valdis would have gotten it done. Perhaps next time she would change her mind, of course he would make her beg him to let her join, he would never show how eager he was to collect a prize. If Valdis was anything like her brother, once Valac was done training her, she would be one of the most feared monsters down here... with those two Valac could raise his status... if only she would choose the right path.

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