Chapter 22

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Henry had stopped at a payphone to call Jo and tell her what happened before turning and walking down the snow and slush covered sidewalk. Knowing Adam was still following him, though he wasn't quite sure why considering they weren't friends, decided to inform the other immortal about what Jo had said. "She and Lucas are meeting us at the shop... we can make funeral arrangements there."

Adam nodded in response and put his hands in the pockets of the armor Valdis had insisted he take after Master Vampire had been killed, her blood was now staining the lightweight yet durable metal. He waited patiently as Henry unlocked the shop, where Jo and Lucas were waiting outside of, and let everyone go in before him. The others stopped suddenly and Henry let out a gasp that caused Adam to look up.

"What's with the sad face Henry?" A familiar voice coming from a white-cloaked figure questioned. "You all act as if someone has died... Well I guess a few people did, and a few others went back to the dead... but you get my point."

"...Valdis?" Lucas spoke cautiously. "Henry said you were dead."

"I was." She pulled off the hood to reveal a humorous smirk. "But like Valac had tried saying before I killed him... I can't just die."

"How." Henry asked stepping closer.

"It's not that long of a story actually." She leaned up against the counter. "You see after I died I was greeted by Saint Peter. I was led to my own personal paradise but I did miss you guys, Metatron noticed and said the Lord had an offer for me... as you can see I took it."

"What exactly does the offer mean?"

"Well, I'm the leader of a new group of angels called the Eternals." She grinned. "Meaning I have the good attributes of my vampire form minus the bat wings and control and I can never be killed."

"Is that similar to what the curse is?" Adam asked.

"No. You and Henry can die and come back. I can't die at all."

Jo nodded in understanding of what she was saying. "So what exactly do Eternals do?"

"Kill creatures of the Underworld if they leak out of the cracks between our world and theirs. You see Angels can leave but they are not permitted to do so unless they're going to help someone or bring back a soul from Grimm's chamber. The purpose of Eternals is to fight back against the forces when the need arises."

Lucas' eyes were filled with awe at the thought. "You said you're the leader of a group... Where are the others?"

"Follow me and I'll take you to them." She turned back to Henry. "I bet you weren't expecting to see Abigail again so soon, but you get to."

She walked up the stairs while the others followed closely behind her, when she got upstairs she found Abigail trying to separate Solrush and Ariel as they glared at each other.

"What is going on here?" Valdis asked sternly. "I leave for five minutes and already you're at each other's throats."

"It was Solrush's fault!" Ariel insisted, her gray and orange eyes flashing in the light. "He tried attacking Remiel!"

"Did not!" Solrush defended with a cold hostile tone, fangs glinting dangerously. "I was simply trying to spar with him, I mean look at him he's so weak and passive."

"Enough out of both of you." Abigail scolded before walking over to Henry.

"Abigail..." Henry wrapped his arms around her and held her against him for a moment before pulling away. "I missed you so much. Is Abe here?"

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