Chapter 10

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They sat in awkward silence. Henry, Lucas, Sean, and Jo had gone to check on a case leaving Adam with the others... it had been strange hearing that, hearing the outside world, the real world, still held killers to be caught. Abigail continued to give him a cold look or ignored him while Abe was more friendly, even enough to offer him one of Henry's shirts to change into so he didn't have to wear one that was ripped up. Ingeras and Slayer were in the basement sharpening their skills with a blade and he was tempted to join them so he could escape the stillness the others were in but felt that if he moved he would trigger another lecture from Abigail.

            Slayer came out of the basement first twirling his sword in his hand before sliding it back into its sheath. "Who wants to face me next?"

            "I think they'll pass." Ingeras told him as he followed his son. "Unless one of them has a spare sword lying around."

            Abe shook his head. "Just sold the last one this morning."

            "I bet we could get Valdis to lend us some." Slayer said as he glanced at Adam. "Where is the beast anyway?"

            "Son." Ingeras growled. "What have I told you?"

            Slayer frowned like a scolded child despite looking just as old, if not a bit older, than his father. "Sorry... What I meant to ask was, where is my aunt?"

            "She said she was going to get some rest." Adam replied. "But she could be hunting as well."

            "You mean murdering innocents?"

            "Define innocent." Adam responded, fully aware that Slayer was getting aggravated.

            The door chimed and they turned to see Vetis walk in with a panicked look on his face while a pale Molly Dawes was dragged in behind him. "We need to get the others... now!"

            "What happened now?" Slayer hissed in irritation. "No, don't tell me, this is all just because you hooked up with that mortal and now she knows who you are."

            "No... Vlad... he came back." Vetis lowered his head. "He found Valdis looking for her prey and tried drowning her... I tried to stop them when we walked by and saw... b-but another vampire showed up and she dragged Valdis into the portal... no one came back out and when I looked for her Grimm had fallen asleep and no one else was in sight."

            "You're joking." Ingeras was as pale as the falling snow outside. "Tell me you're joking!"

            "I can't." Vetis put as much sorrow into his voice as possible but Adam could hear something else behind it as well: excitement.

            "Let's go get her then." Adam stood up. "Before she finds herself in more trouble."

            "Valac is the worst trouble she can find. If he demanded her be brought into his presence we could be the ones in trouble." Slayer growled.

            "Why?" Abigail had a hint of fear cross her face. "What could he do to her?"

            "Well he created vampires... he can control them, destroy them, break their will... even I'm not sure completely." Vetis replied. "Oh, and I forgot to mention this but he can look like the most endearing child ever if you don't look at the giant bat wings sticking out behind him."

            "All I want to know is how to kill him." Adam snarled as they wasted time.

            "You have to find him first." Vetis watched as Abe took Molly into the kitchen to find something for the shock she'd gone into. "It isn't safe for anyone in the Underworld, I'll go alone."

            "We couldn't go anyway." Ingeras sighed as he fell back into a chair. "Not unless we wanted to be trapped there forever."

            "I could still right?" Adam asked.

            "Your immortality might not hold where death is around you. It would be best to stay here, I could travel faster by myself anyway." Vetis gave him a smug look. "You act as though I can't be trusted."

            "Must be your personality." Slayer grinned. "I think I'll kill you before Valdis... You do seem to be a more worthy opponent."

            "That is a complement right? You know what, I don't care." Vetis turned back to the door. "Someone take Molly home, I have to go find my sister." 

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