Chapter 14

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Once again she woke up to find Master Vampire with a skull full of blood for her to drink. At first she refused, still not fully trusting him, but eventually gave in and began drinking it until the skull was empty. Again, her wounds healed and he disposed of the skull before preparing to fly off without saying anything. This time however, she stopped him.

            "What will they do to me today?" She asked quietly.

            Master Vampire turned his head towards her. "You get to fight in the Colosseum."

            With that he turned around and flew off leaving her to wait for Valac and some others to show up and take her to the Colosseum. She didn't have to wait long either, or at least she didn't feel like much time had past, it was getting harder for her to tell the longer she stayed.

            Mehmed II and Lieutenant Reece stood a few feet behind Valac as he walked slowly over to her with a growing smile on his childish face. When he spoke it was with the voice of a child as well. "Tell me, are you rested enough to walk?"

            Valdis glared at him, he could make himself look whatever age he wanted, but that wouldn't change hall the pain and torment he put her through. Yet instead of giving a sarcastic remark she merely nodded in response, being sure to avoid looking directly into his now void black eyes, which at the moment reminded her of bottomless pits waiting to feast on her soul.

            Valac turned to Mehmed II and reached out his hand to which the warrior handed them over. Valac turned back to her and shifted into his adult form as he walked over and unlocked the chains. Valdis' legs almost gave out again, she still felt weak despite the blood she'd drank, which only seemed to cover up her wounds instead of completely healing them. Considering where she was, she didn't doubt that her wounds didn't fully heal, they just weren't given the time. Mehmed II and Reece forced her to her feet before they started dragging her across the jagged stones in the direction Master Vampire had flown off in. She struggled in their grip but stopped as Vetis came into sight with Molly, who looked extremely panicked and to Valdis' shock looked as if she was carrying a child.

            "Vetis..." She trailed off as Mehmed II kicked her legs out from under her.

            "Silence!" Mehmed II Growled.

            Vetis glared at him before walking over and shoving the Turk away. "Don't... touch my sister."

            "She is a prisoner!" Mehmed II shot back, though he didn't look too confident as he looked at Vetis' deadly gaze. "I will treat her however I see fit."

            He slammed the Turk into the side of the corridor and let him slide to the ground. Before he could attack again Valac intervened. "Enough! Vetis, son, you know the rules. If you defy them it will only make things worse, now, will you go alone as we planned?"

            "Yes... Sorry Lord Valac." Vetis apologized with a bowed head.

            Molly clung to him as Vetis walked back over to her and gave Valdis a fearful look before speaking. "Vetis, why are we here? What's going on?"

            Vetis took her face in his hands, feeling her trembling. "Don't worry, you'll see soon enough."

            Valdis wasn't sure she liked the dark gleam in her brother's eyes, sure he had just defended her and was calming Molly down, but he also called Valac his father in one of the friendliest ways she'd ever seen him do. She didn't have much time to ponder over these thoughts though because they were soon moving again, and soon joined by Vlad, who had his first and second wives in chains, and Master Vampire who seemed be leading Botis and his guards to the stadium where Brutus and Cassius stood outside the gates waiting. The Colosseum itself was made of the same polished black stone but had jewels and veins of precious metal running through it so its form flickered in the torchlight. Valac led them to an underground chamber with stairs that seemed to lead into the stadium before gathering his guards and vampires around and leaving, making sure the loud click of the door rang out for them to hear.

            "What are they going to do to us?" Mirena, Ingeras' mother; questioned as she looked at Valdis with frightened blue eyes.

            "I... I'm not sure." Valdis admitted before glancing at the door, which she could tell was made of pure silver and a red magma stone. "How were you captured? I thought they couldn't go into paradise."

            "We came out looking for you and Ingeras, talk of being able to go back to the human world alive again... we wanted to see if it was true." Her own mother said before putting a hand on Valdis' arm as if to reassure her daughter.

            "They just ambushed you?" Valdis asked, ignoring the gesture.

            "Yes, they have guards in their tunnel but Grimm has to put up with it because they aren't trying to escape." Mirena informed her.

            Molly groaned and leaned against the wall and Valdis turned to face the paling woman. "Don't you dare start now!"

            "Vetis... h-he said he would help me survive... t-that this place would l-let me s-survive having half-ling children." Molly stuttered as more pain went through her.

            Valdis glared at her in frustration. "Didn't you think for one moment he was lying? I mean seriously, one stranger just shows up and you instantly fall for him? Surely you're smarter than that."

            "He was s-so interesting." Molly trailed off for a few seconds. "I c-can't remember everything, only that I cared for him."

            "Of course..." She grumbled, mentally cursing her brother. "He used his powers to manipulate you."

            "Am I going to die?" Molly whispered as the pain faded slightly. "Is he going to kill me now?"

            "I won't let any of them kill you." Valdis snarled and glared at the stairs where she could just make out a gate blocking the entrance to the arena. "Just let me do the fighting unless you have weapons."

            "The Master Vampire took ours." Her mother sighed but kept a brave look on her face.

            "Wonderful." She growled sarcastically. "I have one mortal who could start having a child at any minute, two weaponless dead people, and I'm not even able to hold any of their attacks off for long. We are all going to die!"

            She punched the wall in fury and felt the cracked pieces of rock slice her hand, ignoring that she shook off the blood and began pacing, impatiently waiting for their deaths to start. A roar sounded from up above that caused Molly to flinch, though to her credit she had managed to compose herself so she didn't look as terrified as before. The door behind them opened a moment later and Vetis came in with a sword.

            "Time to get in the ring." He told them before guiding them to the now open gate. Valdis gave him a cold look, everything telling her to murder him. "You better hope I die here because when I get out... I'm coming for you."

            He flinched a bit at her tone, it had sounded so dead, like she had been broken and was now just a tool for killing. "I'm sorry... I'll save you after this I swear it. I just have to pretend for this... after that... we can go back to the living world. I swear, please just believe me."

            Valdis shook her head before walking out into the ring with the others. Behind her, the gate closed and her brother walked away. The polished stone under her feet was a bit slick; she could guess once the blood started flowing it would hinder everyone's movement. Above them, a barbed crisscrossing network of black rock was weaved to keep anyone from just flying out, if anyone were to try they would soon find themselves impaled on the sharp thorn like stalactites. She felt Molly shake her arm and she glanced at where the woman was pointing at a large three-headed dog: a Cerberus. And unlike Grimm, who had two heads, a lion tail, and griffin wings; this three headed, snake tailed, drooling creature looked like it wanted to rip them to shreds. As if hearing her thoughts the Cerberus growled and stepped forward to start its attack, and then to make things worse, it caught fire from its eyes and mouths. 

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