Chapter 4

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Valdis was sitting in a tree inside a cemetery looking up at the galaxy as she tried to relax, which wasn't working very well, every shadow seemed menacing now... as if something was keeping watch on her. A twig snap and she flinched before looking around to find two familiar people staring up at her.

"I thought we'd find you here." Lucas spoke first before elaborating. "Henry, uh, told us this was where you liked to go to think."

"What do you want?" She asked, not making any move to join them on the ground.

"Well, we were wondering if you wanted to join everyone else at the bar... you don't have to drink you know. It's just for fun... to be with friends." Ingeras told her.

"Yeah come on, we never hang out much."

Valdis shook her head. "I'm fine here."

Ingeras smirked and leaned against the tree. "Really? You want to be left alone on your birthday? I doubt that."

Her eyes widened as he said that but it was too late, Lucas' jaw dropped and he spoke a bit slightly over enthusiastic. "Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday? We need to call the others! Come on, let's go I bet we can make this night a party!"

She sent her brother a poisonous look as she got down. "Thank you for telling them brother... For you information my birthday is November twentieth, as it isn't midnight it is still the nineteenth."

"It'll be your birthday in two hours." Ingeras replied before shivering at a cold gust of wind. "Can we go back now?"

"Yes, it's freezing out here." Lucas said as he finished texting the others and quickly walked back towards his car where the others got in before he drove off.

They stopped outside Jo's place and Valdis frowned as she saw where they were. "I thought you said we were going to a bar?"

"Change of plans, come on the others are already here." Lucas replied cheerfully as he got out and walked towards the door.

Ingeras got out as well and shrugged when he saw his sister's expression. "You know you can't avoid it now... just enjoy this."

"I will. It's just... I haven't celebrated my day of birth for centuries." Valdis followed him to the door. "I actually almost forgot when it was."

"Then I came back from the dead just in time."

Jo opened the door and smiled down at them. "Hey guys, follow me the others are waiting inside."

Valdis walked into the building and immediately found the rest of their group sitting around the living room talking, along with a plus one as Vetis came out of the kitchen with what appeared to be a bottle of wine.

"What's he doing here?" Ingeras whispered to Jo with venom.

"He dropped by while you two were getting Valdis." Jo explained as the half vampire walked over to them.

"Surprise." Vetis grinned at them while handing the bottle to Jo. "I brought the party supplies."

"How- Ingeras you told him too?" Valdis turned to her human brother.


Vetis laughed. "The dead know things sister... a lot of things."

"What do they do? Stalk the living?" She joked.

"Something like that, it does get a bit boring at times." Vetis guided her towards the kitchen. "Come on, I want to show you something."

Valdis wasn't sure she completely trusted her brother, especially considering she hadn't even known he existed, but allowed him to take her into the kitchen where a bag of more wine sat on the counter. He walked over to another bag and pulled out a container of dark red liquid and gave her a smirk as he hid the label.

"Care to take a guess?" He cocked his head to the side with a wide grin on his face, almost a mirror image of their father Vlad except happier.

"Blood." It was easy to tell what it was. "Where'd you get it?"

"Easy, a blood bank." He reached into the bag to produce some solo cups before opening the container. "Want some?"

Valdis shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Its here if you want it." He cast off her refusal casually; though she didn't miss the concerned look that flashed across his face.

Valdis leaned against the wall as she watched him take more wine out of the bag and mix it in with the blood in his glass. "How come you keep your eyes like that, don't people notice they're... different?"

"Sunglasses and colored contacts." Vetis responded smoothly. "I can't change into my vampire half like you can. It's always here, fangs and all."

"What did your date have to say about that?"

He walked closer to her with grace before leaning against the fridge with a superior look. "She loved it, the smell of lust coming from her was unbearable."

"You didn't act... on that... did you?"

"Hmm... unfortunately no. But I let her believe so, in fact tomorrow I think I will... I wonder what it'll be like, she's a dominatrix so it has to be... special for lack of a better word."

"Okay, I'm sorry I asked." Valdis spoke up before he could continue.

Vetis gave her a sly look. "Jealous, sister?"

"No." She denied with a scowl.

"I sense you are." He walked closer and sat his cup down before turning her to face the others in the other room. "Tell me... which one is it?"

"What?" Valdis' eyes widened. "None of them!"


"Please we can't sense lies. That doesn't make a scent."

"Nervousness does and right now you are extremely nervous dear sister." Vetis purred in her ear. "Now, which is it?"

"I really don't have to answer that." She replied as he backed away.

Vetis grabbed his cup and started walking out to the other room before turning to face her with a knowing look. "I don't need you to. I already know who it is."

Valdis couldn't tell if he was bluffing or not, his face was serious like he was sure but how would he? Then again he had said the dead knew things the living didn't... with that in mind she walked out to where the others were casually talking and took a seat across the room from Vetis, who cast her a smug look before turning and talking with Lucas again.

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