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(This chapter is short due to it only being the introduction.)
         The short dress sways with my movement, as I walk through the halls of my castle. The big big halls that would soon fill with people in costumes and streamers hanging down from the ceilings. Balloons floating midair, and most of all, the halls will be filled with presents! I walked to my room to where I would see my mother looking out the window, waiting for me. “Maman!” I shouted with excitement. She turned slowly to me and bent down for a hug. I gracefully jumped into her arms and squeezed her tight. She slowly puts me down and opens her mouth to speak, “Are you ready for your party tonight, ma chérie?” looking at me with a warm smile. I nodded my head up and down. “Oh! I also have a surprise for you~” she toyed with her sentence. “Can’t I have it now, Maman?” I pleaded. “No, My Little Rosier. Princesses must wait, like flowers waiting to bloom.” She  said, I pouted and crossed my arms. “But Flowers take forever to bloom, I can’t wait that long!” I tried to persuade her. She shook her head, “Pas encore” she said tapping her finger on the tip of my nose. I covered my nose with both of my hands and giggled with my mother. "Elle?" My father called. I quickly turned my head to the doorway, where he stood. "Papa, Is my party ready?" I asked, trotting up to him. "No not yet, Chérie." He answered, as I pouted at the simple word; "No". He saw my expression and frowned, "Please go get ready, Elle. It will be ready shortly" My mother told me. I nodded and rushed to my closet.

I finished changing into my rose red dress. I had heard commotion below me where my party was being set up. My party has started! Excitement filled me, as I ran out the door, and down stairs. I stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at the people below me, in horror. The people weren't people anymore. They were corpses. Tears filled my eyes as I watched a man eat the flesh and guts of my guests. My eyes paced around the floor, but they stopped. I saw Mom and Dad, laying on the floor, they were dead. I covered my mouth and bent down to my knees. Mom and Dad.. dead..? How could this happen?! I had only spent a few seconds getting ready! I looked up and saw the man looking at me. Fear struck my muscles, I couldn't move. He slowly came close to me, I watched his every move and steps. 

Once he reached me he stared at me, waiting for me to do.. something. His eyes no longer stared at me, his pupils disappeared into the back of his head, as his head slowly fell off his torso. A gasp escaped my mouth, seeing the head roll towards me, and blood spill from it. I screamed in horror, the sword that decapitated the head, slowly came towards me, being held by a rough hand. His face didn’t match his whole body, cause when he bent down to eye level with me, I saw.. Sadness and a hint of compassion. I suppose mommy and daddy were his friends as well. The man held out his arms, for me to run into. I screamed and cried into his embrace, I needed a hug. 

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