"No Way"

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    I walked down the hall and to my fathers office, I fixed my tangled white hair from the nap I took. “Good morning Darling, how was your sleep?” his wife asked. I walked into the room and to the coffee maker before answering, “Decent.” I answered so bluntly that it sounded like I was possessed. “Oh, let me help you with that dear..” she said, walking to me with her hands outstretched, to fix my tangled hair. I backed away quickly and put up my palms in defense, “N-no thank you! I was just about to fix it.” I mumbled. “Oh but dear, it would just take a few sec-”, “I said I got it, okay!” I yelled. Her eyes widened with shock. Lucious already knew this would happen, I never liked anyone touching my hair. “You do no-!” “Kindal.” Lucious groaned, “She said no, let it go.” Kindal swung her head in the direction of Lucious with a very mad expression. I ran out quickly, swiping my coffee with me. Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time she has done this, it's like she has short term memory or something, she keeps forgetting why I told her no. Few sprints out the door and I bump into a large figure, it said “Why the rush? Somewhere to be?” I heard a friendly voice above me, it was familiar as well. I look up and see, Sean! “Oh, you have come back!” I shouted, jumping up to hug him. He whispered “Shh..” before embracing me in a hug as well. He let go as he looked at my now coffee stained nightgown. “Your dress is soaking wet, Elle, Come on let's pick out your clothes for today and get yours washed.” He said with a closed mouth smile. I smiled back, he grasped my hand and pulled me into my room. He shut himself in my closet as I changed out of my clothes, and put a blanket on me as I waited for him to come out and present a dress to me. The door swung open and he came out with a lavender dress on and horribly put on makeup. I died of laughter and fell back onto my bed, “What am I not pretty enough,” He said imitating a girl's voice, my laughter became unstoppable. “Oh Romeo,” he said, “Where are thou Romeo!” he fluttered his eyelashes as he talked. 

    My laughing had stopped and he had already taken off the dress, and put back on his uniform. “I think you stretched it.” I told him. “Are you calling me fat?!” he said, exaggerating. I rolled my eyes, as I chuckled. He chuckled as well, as he sat back in my bed and he watched me put on my dress. “Now that you're happy, I have some news..” he sighs. I turned my head slightly and looked at him. “Go on..” I told him, continuing to fix my dress. “Well, we didn’t really win the war..” he said. I paused and side-eyed him. He sighed once more before finishing his sentence, “We made them an offer and they accepted.” “What was the offer?” He stayed silent. “Sean. What was the offer?” I asked him once more, stepping closer. “You.” He said, I paused. “What do you mean, me?-” “I mean that they have agreed to marry you.” I looked at the ground, eyes widened. “Why would you make an offer like that?!” I shouted, jerking my head back up to him. I put my hand over my heart, “I'm just like you, y’know!-''''Oh, but you're not.” He stood up and walked to me, I backed into a corner. “W-what-” “You're a beast. A horrible beast. A beast who attracts evil!" He spat in my face, "A beast who should have never lived!" Fear was plastered, clearly, on my face. I couldn't hide the feeling, as tears flooded my eyes. Sean was towering over me. I tried to make words but all that came out was whispers and letters. "The beast can't even speak" He scoffed, getting his last spat. He stormed out of my bedroom, and into the hall. I was the reason. I was the reason they had died! I covered my mouth, keeping the vomit from coming up and going out on the floor. My hand failed and the vomit stained the floor, along with the vomit came whimpers and coughs. I couldn't breath, My lungs were closing. I felt someone rubbing my back, and I turned my head to them. "I heard your sobs, I should've knocked. My apologies." They said, "L-lucious-" He caught me in his bear hug and whispered stuff like; "it wasn't your fault dear.", and "Everything will be ok". I bawled and I hid my tears in his shoulder, my body began to relax and I started to breathe again, as my eyes closed to a dark emptiness. 

          I woke up to a different room, it wasn't recognizable. I panicked, shot up from the bed, and to the door. I twisted the knob, the knob only went half way. I pounded my fists on the door, screaming and demanding to be let out. The door opens and my fists land on a muscular chest. I look up slightly and see a man's face, as I slowly take my fists off him. "I-I'm sorry- wait! Why should I apologize to you?!" I yell, getting in his face. "Who are you, and where am I?!" He stayed silent and watched my anger grow inside my chest. I started to yell something but he interrupted me, "You're in the East" I stared at him like he was crazy. "T-the what now?" I stuttered, hoping for a different response. He scoffed and strolled away with what seemed to be sass. "Hey!" I yell after him, speed walking by his side, "I demand you let me out of this palace." "I don't think you're in a position to be demanding me in my own castle" He tells me. I grabbed his arm sleeve, "Whatever deal my brother made with you, he didn't get consent from me" I told him. "He didn't get consent from me either" he jerked his sleeve away from me. "HUH?!-" He stuffed my mouth with his arm and shoved me into a small, empty room. "Look, I'll tell you everything later." He whispers, I stared into his dark brown eyes as he talked, "Just, act like you at head over heels for me." His eyes persuaded me, not me personally but it made my head go "Yes!!"

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