"New Discovery" PT2

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[WORD COUNT: 4132]

Monday 8:42 am

I heard a snore behind me. I looked over and saw Kyo sitting in a chair, head thrown back, and mouth wide open.. Snoring coming from his mouth. It only took me a few minutes to realize he was there and that Shitgau was practically laying on top of me. I eased myself over to the side of the bed and I fell off. Making a loud thump and busting my nose on the hard floor. "Ow.." I groaned. I heard footsteps coming towards me in a rush. I tilted my head up to see Kyo over me as well as Shitgau. I put my forehead back down on the floor and rolled over onto my back. Shitgau shook his head and went back to sleep, meanwhile Kyo tried to help me get up onto the bed. I stumbled onto the bed as Kyo rushed over to my closet and searched through it, frantically. I stretched my muscles and nerves before raising up more to see what Kyo was doing. I giggled at the sight of him stressing over, finding a dress for me. "I see you are trying to put in the effort to make this marriage work." I pointed out. Kyo stopped for only a few seconds before going back to searching. I get up and go over to my closet beside Kyo and watch him sort through the dresses. He mumbled under his breath, "how could one have so many dresses.." I giggled once more at his remark. "What's the occasion?" I asked him. "He side eyed me before going back to looking at the dresses again. "Breakfast, Morning through afternoon activities." He answered bluntly. I nodded, as my eyes searched through the dresses, picking out one a few seconds later. Leaving Kyo stunned that it only took me a second to find the perfect one for me. I began to strip off my clothes but realized that Kyo is still here. I stared at him until he got the gist that I wanted him to leave so I could change. He only stood there and stared into my eyes. I pretended to clear my throat so he could snap out of his clear daze. I didn't. I sighed and walked over to him, waving my hand in front of him until we twitched out of his daze. "I need you to leave," I told him. "why?" he asked back. "I need to change, of course." He had a face of realization and blush before turning away and running out the door. He looked like a flushed little girl. I giggled at him before turning back and getting changed. I heard ruffling on the bed where Shitgau was. "Shitgau." I yelled for him. "Yeah?" I heard him answer back. "Would you be so kind as to go look less like a wolf? Or something more pleasant." I heard a far off sigh. A creak erupted from the door, before 2 manly footsteps came close to me. I felt someone start to tie the back of my dress and I looked back at who it was, seeing a purple haired man and a black haired man shorter than the purple haired man but taller than me. I jumped back from them, leaving them standing there. "Um.. Why are you here?!" I questioned them. "Making sure you hurry up!" Kumiko had responded. I looked over at the black haired man who had his eyes closed and head tilted down. "Oh, and this is Setsuko- Are you sleeping?" Kumiko had turned to Setsuko who still had his eyes closed. Kumiko snapped his fingers in front of the man named Setsuko's face. Kumiko then sighed and stood straight. He smacked the back of Setsuko's head, and a yelp came out of Setsuko. "OW, What the hell?!" He yelled back. "We aren't in your room sir, you need to stay awake." Kumiko ignored the cry. Setsuko's expression changed as he looked around, rubbing the back of his head. He then looked ahead and then pouted like a baby. Kumiko sighed before turning back to me and introducing Setsuko once more. "This is Setsuko, he is the middle child of the bunch and bosses me around." Kumiko then side-eyed Setsuko, whose eye was twitching out of anger. "Did you do something? Last time I talked to him he was calm and he helped me somewhat." Kumiko shook his head and kept side-eyeing Setsuko. "I Woke him up too early I guess.." Kumiko sighed, smirking. Setsuko pounded Kumiko's head with his fist, "Damn right you did! You know well that I was working on paperwork all night." Kumiko grabbed Setsuko's fists before he could continue to hit his head. Setsuko looked like a little child, being all fussy and all. "Sorry if we wasted your time but we assumed Kyo didn't tell you about breakfast outside today." I stared at Kumiko with disbelief. "Are you Kidding me? It's so cold outside!" I told them. Setsuko and Kumiko both looked at me and shook their heads. "But, it was snowing yesterday, how did it melt so fast?" Kumiko let go of Setsuko's fists, Setsuko crossed his arms, twisted to the side and pouted. "Well, the kingdom of the east is kind of in the middle of it all.. So it changes seasons each day." Kumiko had explained. I nodded in understanding, and hummed one note that stood for 'ohh!'. I went back to my closet and picked out a gown that was the color of a teddy bear and had long sleeves that blended into the dress. Setsuko then snapped out of his bratty-ness and came to me, gently and carefully taking the dress out of my arms. "Let me and Ko help you." I watched him as he bowed, Kumiko copied. Once they stood back up, I nodded my head to give them my consents. I walked to the mirror and waited for Setsuko and Kumiko to start helping me. Setsuko held open the dress's neck part for me to put my feet into. I stepped into the hole and Setsuko pulled the dress the rest of the way up. I slid my hands into the sleeves as Kumiko went around and to where my buttons were. Once my arms were in the sleeves, he wrapped the loop around the button and Setsuko wrapped the ribbon along my waist and then back to the front, tying it into a bow. Once the dress was finished I looked into the mirror. "Well, you certainly know how to make a dress look good on me," I chuckled. "All that beauty is you madam." Setsuko bowed once more to me, in a graceful manner, but was interrupted by Kumiko smacking Setsuko's head. "Stop acting all formal now, you already ruined her perspective of you." he said, as if he were fussing at a child. From there it turned into an all out brawl. I watched them, trying to get their attention to get out of my room so they wouldn't mess it up. Shitgau came out of my bathroom with a white bow in his mouth. I bent down and waited for him to drop the bow into my hand, or onto the floor. He dropped it into my hand and watched me get up and face the mirror. I struggled to do my hair because I have never done it myself before. Only buns and ponytails. "Close your eyes," Shitgau told me. "What?" "Close your eyes, please, I'll fix your hair for you" "And how will you do that exactly?" "I have my ways." I shrugged my shoulders before closing my eyes and waiting for paws to touch my hair, but only hands did. Big hands that were rough to the surface of my hair but gentle with my hair at the same time. I felt my hair being separated from the other strands of hair, then clipped with the bow loosely. I felt my hair untouched. "Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked. The question was answered with silence. "Hello??" I asked once more. "Yeah, sorry." I opened my eyes and examined my hair, pulled back. I turned to Shitgau, "Thank you" I whispered to it. The sides of his lips curled into a slight smile. The Men stood there in shock, looking at Shitgau. "What?" I asked them. "Y-you can-" Shitgau growled before they could finish their sentence. I patted the white hair on its head. Shitgau pushed up against my hand before pulling away and walking out the door. The men watched him, then looked at each other. I watched them stare at each other in astonishment but they looked back at me in a short time. They both bowed before saying, "Breakfast and other morning activities will start soon." they then raced off, leaving the door open. My face and soul were both confused as I reached over to pick up a thin white shaw. I stared at my reflection in the big mirror. I still can't believe I am here, living well without my family. I look to the side in guilt. And.. Sean. Oh how I hate him, but I love him as a brother. I was told my love would only grow for sibling's over time. Another lie I was told. I hear the commotion of laughter and talk outside. I sighed and prepared myself for stares and other hurtful things to a princess. I walk out of my room, down the hall, and out the open doors, leading to the backyard. The first thing I saw was the group of black haired twins. I went over to them, and spoke. "Good Morning, Umaru." I said. Umaru turned around and her eyes glimmered. "We were just talking about you. Weren't we, Sean?" She said, wait. Did she just mention Sean?! She moved herself so Sean and I could see each other. I stared at him with astonishment. Meanwhile he smiled warmly at me like he had never called me a monster. Kyo was probably sensing the tension, which is probably when he mentioned something about Shitgau, but only referring to him as 'beast'. Sean glanced at Kyo, confused. "Beast?" he questioned. Shitgau then appeared beside me, making Sean jump like a cat being scared. I giggled softly at him. Looking over I find Umaru watching him as well, blushing. Her eyes meet mine and I raise my eyebrows up and down, looking side to side between Sean and her. She blushed once more, nudging me with her shoulder. "Oh, I also brought a friend." Sean mentioned, suddenly. "You have friends?" Sean ignored my question and waved a girl with blonde, curly, hair in. She wore a baby blue dress with a bit of cream white at the seams and under the dress. The style of the dress looked like what some would call a 'Lolita' dress. She and the dress were beautiful. A hat with a clear bow, sat gracefully upon her head, only the bow swayed slightly with the wind. She looked very angelic but she herself gave me a bad vibe. Despite the bad Aura I curtsied to her and she did the same right after me. The silence after that was loud. The king had come over and started to speak another language other than English. Kyo spoke back in the same language. I could only make out so many words that sounded like they were English. The speaking then transferred back to the king, the first word coming out of his mouth being my name with an accent. I watched them talk back and forth along with the rest. Umaru and Sean ran off to the food tables and were introducing themselves and what they like, how life was and sometimes tragedies that had happened to them. The blonde girl stayed by me, the only thing separating her and me was Shitgau, which had an uneasy feeling to his aura, and I noticed he side eyed her every once and a while. The girl had a disgusted look, aimed at Shitgau. She introduced herself quietly under the sound of the King and Kyo still going back and forth with their arguments in the same language it had started as. "I'm Layla, I met you brother at an event at your castle, shortly after you left for the east." she told me. "Oh." I said quietly, under my breath. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "Oh! Sorry I was just whispering to myself. I'm Elle, and Sean is my foster brother." She nodded at my answer and went back to watching Kyo and The King. So did I. Only after a while did she turn and walk away to the table Umaru and Sean were sitting at. Umaru's face grew red with blush but was back to her light brown skin color when Layla sat beside Sean, clinging onto his arm. Umaru looked away sadly then back to her plate. "I-I'm.." she started, "I'm not quite full, I will get more food." Umaru went back to the breakfast tables and stood at the heart shaped cookies sitting at the end of the table. I felt a finger tap on my shoulder, startling me. "Oh sorry" Kyo said, still in an accent. He cleared his throat and repeated his sentence, more clear this time. "What accent were you speaking?" I asked him. He stood still and thought. Shitgau walked away to Kumiko and Setsuko while they spoke back and forth about Shitgau. "Well, um.. I'm pretty sure it's Korean, I was only taught English. Korean just came to me but I don't know the name of the accent." I nodded in understandment, feeling a tug on the back of my dress. I turned and saw a small child. They looked familiar. "It is Sissy!" One of the twin girls shouted to the other. The other twin's eyes sparkled like Citrine as she turned away from the other kids she was talking to and ran over to me, jumping onto my chest. As a natural reflex, I held her to make sure she didn't fall. At the moment she fell onto my chest, I knew they were my sisters. "Oh my Goodness! How big have you gotten in the last few days!" I told them, I made sure for the excitement to LOOK and SEEM real. The other twin jumped on to us and shouted, "Hey, We're not fat!" While frowning. "Sorry, I didn't mean it that way.." I laughed, awkwardly. A woman raced over and raised the little girls off of me, Lucious by her side. When I saw Lucious I jumped up and hugged him tight. Lucious then chuckled as he caught himself before his back hit the ground. "It has only been a few days," he proclaimed, "I wouldn't expect you to miss me that much." I lift my head from his shoulder and give him a big bright grin. "You're like my father, how could I not miss you?" I asked him. He looked surprised, I heard a scoff beside me and Lucious. Without moving my head I looked over at it. My smile faded as I saw 'Mother'. She turned away with her children and acted like I was a maid. I scoffed at her as well. Lucious heard my scoff and followed my eyesight with his, to see me looking at his wife. Shitgau came back with Kumiko and Setsuko. Setsuko had eyebags from the following night and Kumiko was cheerful out of the 3 of them, and Shitgau is just.. Shitgau! Shitgau came towards Lucious, I expected for Lucious to be startled but all he did was bend down to Shitgau and pet him, only the emotion of warmness showed. "Sure is hot for a thick fur coat like this." he told Shitgau. Shitgau started to pant, with his tongue out and dog breath spewing out. "His teeth look so sharp." He claimed. His eyes then went wide with realization. He took his hands off of Shitgau. His eyes filled with sadness but he wiped it away quickly as if I didn't already see him. I heard him mumble something to Shitgau that I couldn't make out. Shitgau only showed his sharp teeth by the corner of his lips. I watched Lucious hug Shitgau's fluffy neck tightly. Shitgau only sat there, and took it. I looked at Kumiko and Setsuko, only Setsuko watched confusingly. Kumi stood there and watched with a warm grin. Setsuko interrupted the warm moment with, "This is kinda getting awkward soo.. Elle, you wanna come get some food with me?" I nodded and started to walk, but instantly stopped at something wrapping around my waist. My face grew red with blush. "Is something wrong?" I asked the arm wrapped around me. "I just want to stay by you, that's all." I heard Kyo say, I blushed more at the statement. I held his hand with my hand and started to walk to the table. Kyo grabbed 2 plates and handed me one. "What would you like hun?" Kyo asked me, I blushed at the statement and I heard Setsuko snicker beside us. "U-um.. Pancakes?.." I stuttered. Kyo nodded and grabbed a spatula to get the pancake without touching it. He placed the pancake on my plate and I smiled brightly with thanks. I felt a gaze on me. The gaze sent shivers down my spine and gave me a bad aura. I turned around slowly and saw Layla staring at me, her head tilted down and her dark aura swarming her. I felt like I could just die from her Aura. Kyo looked back at her and she quickly went back to eating her food. Umaru sat beside my brother, who was enjoying the food as much as a child and Umaru was staring at Layla, coldly. Kyo looked at me concerned and continued to speak, "Are you ok? What is someone speaking bad of you?" I hesitated before shaking my head and turning it back to the food. "Can I get strawberry toppings?" I asked Kyo. Kyo, still with a concerned expression, grabbed a fork, punctured it into the strawberry and set it on my pancake. I smiled once more at him warmly. I leaned into his chest, with the back of my head, and closed my eyes. "So warm." I claimed. I could hear his heart get louder and faster, as he pulled away and went to a seat beside Umaru. After a few minutes of processing that he had just left me, I scurried off to the table as well. Setsuko sat in the seat beside Layla and I sat in the seat next to him. I gently grasped the syrup in the middle of the table and drizzled it over my pancake. I felt Layla's gaze on me again and side eyed her. I heard a chair beside me scoot out from under the table and I turn my head to the noise. Kumiko started to sit in the chair and scoot it up to the table. He set his plate of fruit up on the table and started by eating a grape. White fur appeared out of the corner of my eye and I saw Shitgau sitting between us. "So.. How do you know each other?" I asked him. Kumi ko looked up from his plate and said, "Oh, It's quite complicated.." He messaged his dimple with his index finger. "Well, to start he was the last holder of your ability, but he wasn't able to hold the portion he wasn't using, so It was time for the ability to move to another holder. That holder being you, and I was just a plus 1 in the ability." Shitgau explained. "You were still my best friend for being there for me." Kumiko and Shitgau smiled at each other and I felt another gaze on me. The gaze didn't feel as deadly as Layla's and it wasn't madness either. I eased my head to what was creating the gaze. It was Lucious, almost tearing up from the sight of Shitgau. I wanted to ask but Setsuko interrupted me. "He's just happy to see someone that wasn't to be found." I glanced at him with confusion, "Shitgau. Not to be found? Was he missing?" Setsuko nodded and glanced over at Shitgau, who was still chatting with Kumiko. "Have you ever had any siblings?" He asked me randomly. "I was going to but I was told that he died at birth." Setsuko's eyes widened with surprise and he shook his head. "Is something wrong," I asked him. Setsuko cleared his throat and went back to his natural expression. "N-no, I just had a thought.." I nodded and tried to forget about his expression. Suddenly, there was commotion again. It wasn't a good commotion but it wasn't the commotion when the wolves broke in. "Sir, Sir!" one guard called. Kyo turned to the men and raised his eyebrow. "Something broke into the castle!" another guard alarmed. Kyo's eyes widened with shock and madness. He stood up, knocking back his chair. The sound of the blade gliding against its cover erupted from his left side. He held his sword to the ground as he raced to the castle. I was eager to know who or what had broken into the divine castle. I glanced over at Layla, who has a devilish grin towards the castle. She had something to do with it. "Kyo, wait!" I yelled after him. He did not stop, he kept his pace. Something bad was going to happen, and I was just going to sit here. What kind of person would watch someone run into danger that you knew. I sprang out of my seat and after them. I heard Kumiko and Shitgau yell at me to stop. They knew as well? And they were going to just stand there and watch this man get hurt?! Kyo had already made it into the castle, I felt like I was a thousand miles behind him. I sped up the pace of my running, breathing in and out quickly till my lungs grew cold. I had finally made it into the castle. Kyo was nowhere to be seen. My heart broke knowing that I couldn't have warned him. I heard sounds coming from the hallway that led to the rooms. "Kyo!" I yelled for him. I got nothing back. In annoyance I raced towards the rooms one by one until the choice had been left at mine. The halls felt dark and heavy around me as I reached for the handle, opening the door to see a beautiful woman and a taller man beside her. The taller man gave me a dark stare, sending shivers up my spinal chords. The woman only faced the mirror and held black dresses to her chest. "Which dress do you think spells out 'I just murdered the woman in the casket'?" I hesitated before answering with a misunderstanding breath. "For your funeral, stupid!" I stared at her in disbelief. "Madam, you may want to hurry this up, they are almost here." the woman rolled her eyes at the man's statement. "Alright, Alright. Could you carry her? My picker upper isn't working." She told him, he only sighed in response and mumbled curses under his breath. He stepped closer to me. What would I do? He would kill me in a second. I put my fists up to fight, at least I'm trying. He steps closer, I threw the first swing, he only dodged and scooped me up over his shoulder. "HEY! I demand that you let me go!" I shouted. "Shut her up will you?" the woman directed the man. The man went over to my bed and ripped a piece of cloth from it. We wrapped the cloth around my mouth, only making my struggles muffled. They then started to step closer to the window, I could only see where the door was at and how it was halfway open. Is this how this ends? My romance story? I can't let that happen. There is so much to do and so much I want to experience!.. I heard loud thumping footsteps coming close, a few others sounded more distant. I cried out a muffled scream. My throat started to ache from the scream. Kyo came around the corner of the door, with the intention of killing . His eyes were widened but narrow and a shadow rained over his eyes like blood. I looked up at him with hopeful eyes that we would save me. "Kyo!" Mumbled for him. I suddenly felt a fist pound against my head, everything went black. I heard Kyo's voice once more, yelling my name. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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