"Apart of the Plan"

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[Word Count: 3140]

I want to be released from here. So why am I sitting down at a table having dinner? I had this all planned out. Meet the parents, say the misunderstanding, and leave. When did I put 'sitting down to eat' on my list?! "So I heard you are from the north. How are things up there, how is the Queen and King?" I heard the old woman say. I snap out of my train of thought and direct my attention to her. "The who?" I ask, softly placing down my dinner knife and fork. "King Versale and Queen Jane'' I stared at her in disbelief. Does she not know? "Mother," my 'fiance' said. She hummed as she eased her head, ever so slightly. "They have passed," He told her, and she covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my, when did this take place?" She asked, still in shock. "It-" "10 years ago, April 6th." I interrupted him. "Oh dear, Are you ok?" She asked, she had uncovered her mouth and had so much sadness and empathy in her voice. I nodded and went back to my food. "Kyo, dear, how come we were never informed?.." "My thoughts are that they didn't want us to know." He looks at me and I start picking at my food with my fork. I feel his gaze and look up at him. "Dear, is something wrong?" I ask him. He blushed and looked away and back to his food. "No" He stuttered. I smile at his expression, but change my expression quickly back to my resting face. The room went silent and I had lost my appetite. I want to mention the misunderstanding but they seem like such nice people. I squirm in my seat, after a while I get up. “I'm sorry, but can I be excused?..” I tried to make it sound like I was just fine by adding a few giggles at the end but that only made me sound crazy. I felt my food coming up, the thought of my parents' lifeless bodies in a pool of blood makes my nausea worsen. “Of course dear, are you not feeling well?” She asked me. I shook my head and walked out the door.  I had almost bumped into a woman outside the door but my reflexes acted before I even came in contact with her. Her long black hair swayed with her movements and her light brown skin shimmered in the sunlight, peeking through the windows. Her lavender nightgown having the everso smallest sparkles, shimmering. “Dear Umaru, are you up so soon?” the old woman asked. Umaru made a small laugh and replied, “It's only the evening mother, I would like to get ready for the ball as soon as possible” “Ball?” I asked her. Umaru directed her eyes to me and sparkles showed in her eyes. She grabbed my jawline and examined my facial features. “So you are my future sister-in-law!” I paused and stared at her. I looked at my now 'fiance' who is on the edge of his seat, watching our interaction. I had almost answered but he interrupted me, "Ah! She is, what a good eye you have!” he tells her. He gets up from his seat and gently pulls me into his arms. “May I speak with her for a moment?” He asked his mother, he brushed his fingers through my hair. So gently I couldn’t even feel his fingers. My face grew hot with blush, His mother nodded and he started to walk me out the doors of the dining room. He brings me into the same closet we were in when he told me to act like I’m madly in love with him. I'm honestly about to be if he keeps handling me like this. He lightly placed me up against the wall near a mop. “Is there something wrong?” I asked him. He looked slightly to the side in embarrassment. “I wanted to set some boundaries.” He said, he rubbed his neck and looked me in my eyes. “With what?” I asked, My blush had disappeared and a series of tension filled the room. “With what we say about to each other with people around.” He told me. I watch him become confident. “Is this about how I call you ‘dear’?” I ask, he nodded his head and was about to talk but the sound of someone knocking erupted from the door. “Kyo! You need to get ready for the ball as well as your wife.” I hear his sister yell. He looked at the door and sighed, while exiting the room. I once again grabbed a part of his clothing, stopping him from exiting the room. He looked at me with confusion, I stared into his eyes. Once again falling under his spell. I shook my head and just stared at his body. “What is this ball about?” I mumble, looking down at the ground. “I will discuss this with you later.” he told me, pulling his clothing away. He didn’t do it in a mean way, just in a ‘get the hell off me’ way. He exits the closet, and I see Umaru in the doorway, holding the door open. She looked at me and blushed, while bowing. “I'm sorry if I interrupted anything!” She apologized. I waved my hands trying to assure her that we didn’t do anything like that… I don't think she believed me. I changed the subject quickly, “I don’t think I have a dress, and I don’t really have good taste in clothing.. Can you help me?” I asked her. 

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