"Alone Again"

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I sat in a chair waiting for my 'fiance' to arrive. As I look around I see men and women dancing with each other, grabbing plates and silverware, and examining the paintings on the ballroom halls. The music of the orchestra played loud in my ear, canceling out any other noise that would dare to approach it. I jumped at the sudden sound of a voice entering my ear. "May I have this dance?" my fiance asked romantically. My eyes glistened against the lit up chandelier. He held out his hand towards me for me to hold. I examined his semi-tight clothing, bringing out the nooks and crannies of his upper body. I was just alone wasn't I? When did all these eyes fall upon me and this man? Why would his god choose me for his fake wife? I clasped his hand and he pulled me onto the dance floor, with patterns going in every way and shaped in every size. My black heels click-clacked against the floor. He held my waist and held me close, moving his feet for me to follow. He started to whisper, "I'm sorry about my rude brother." in my ear. I smiled at his apology. I would have normally just forgave him, apology or not, but this seems like a special occasion. "And why should I forgive your brother? It was rude of him to be peeking in on a changing woman." I told him. He looked to the side and sighed, with a smirk. "Then that can't be helped, can it?" he said back. "Though.." I continued, "He did help me with buttoning up my dress, so I will this time." I lifted my head from his shoulder and smiled at him. He started to make a semi-smiling face but turned away, with his ears glowing red. He let go of my hands and ran away. "Hey, Wait!" I yelled for him. I snickered at the cowering man, I then went back to my cushioned seat.

Women passing by stared at me with murderous content, or either side eyed me. "Is there something wrong?'' I would whisper quietly under my breath. None of them heard me. I suppose it was because of the engagement with Kyo. I sighed as I got up from the chair and swiftly walked through the halls, trying to get to the outside. My dress elegantly glided on the tiles as I walked. I felt the dress pull back, causing me to stumble back. I heard a noise that almost sounded like nails on a chalkboard as it happened. I winced at the noise. The Air of the December afternoon flew into my once warm dress. My legs were hit sharply with cold air. I looked back at the back of my dress and saw the fabric had come undone and was torn apart. I had feared this with any dress I had worn. I heard snickering and laughter from the people around me. My cheeks grew red with Anger as I looked at the person who had done this act. "Woah, watch where you're going!" He told me. The Anger grew more on my cheeks. What's his problem? Does he want to die? Does he know who I am?! I started to say something but was interrupted by the sound of people screaming, echoing throughout the halls. The man looked back at where the ballroom was. "WOLVES!!" Someone yelled. The wolves then attacked the man, tearing the flesh off his bones, eyes out of its sockets, bones being split. The wolves' mouths chewing, and chewing, and chew- An arrow. An arrow shot at the wolves' mouths. They only ignored them and continued. I tripped over my dress and smashed my butt on the floor. A wolf snapped its neck towards me, coming closer. "ELLE!" I heard Kyo yell. The wolf put its head towards me and let me touch it. It slowly helped me up and went back to chewing on the man's insides and bones. That night.. Guts.. blood.. Bones! "Stop it.." I whispered, faintly "STOP IT!!" The wolves looked up at me and bowed before racing off. Through the stained windows as stained as my cheeks from the tears. There was blood splattered on my pale skin, and glass crunched under everyone's feet. I stood in shock, watching Umaru race towards me with open arms, checking if I were injured. The soldiers continued to follow the wolves into the December snow. Kyo started to go with them but looked back at me, I stared at him as well. He jogs towards me, when reached me he asks, "is she ok ?" to Umaru. Umaru takes a few seconds to scan my body before responding to his question, "I believe so. Get her to Medical to get her checked out for Mental and Physical check up." I felt faint, being picked up by Kyo, bridal style. I started going limp. My body and my head being pulled by gravity towards the ground.

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