[3] rain, rain, go away!

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a few days past by, diego hasn't seen you around at all. you were probably busy putting some files in order or talking shit about him, not that he cared of course.

the big anticipated game, mexico vs usa, was tomorrow. being nervous was something diego has never felt before a big game. so why now? why did he feel anxious now? he shrugs it off, it's probably since i'm against a bunch of stuck ups

while walking around the building, he spots you. you were with his other teammates, and giving your phone number out..? he huffs aloud, totally unprofessional!! wait until coach hears about this.

the young man makes his way over to you and snatches the small stack of papers. "do you know it's very unprofessional to be giving out personal information.." he trails off as he realized you were passing out work notices. the papers said something about rain the next day during the game.

"personal information? you're so funny diego." you said that with sarcasm flowing in your mouth. "it's a weather notice. it's supposed to rain an hour before your game starts, be careful and don't slip on the field." you pat him on the chest and continue to give the flyers to the rest of the players, including diego.

diego folds the paper and puts it into his pocket."yes ma'am." he rolls his eyes and wanders past you. at this point, he was looking for a reason for you to be fired.

he walks into one of the many lounge areas. "i mean the sarcasm, really?? she could've said it normally.." he whines to himself like a kid who just got told no to a toy.

"diegito." he looks up and hadn't realized he was visibly sulking.

"what's up memo"

"you still don't like miss l/n?"

"miss l/n this, miss l/n that!! when will it enddddd?" he drags his feet and slouches onto one of the common couches. "she talks to me like i'm a child."
memo laughs, "look at you, are you not acting like one?" diego comes back with a quick and loud "how memo??? tell me."

"slouching on the chair, pouty lips and whining over something that wasn't a big deal? yeah, definitely child behavior." the young footballer fixes his posture and immediately chances his face to a deadpan one. he looks as civil as one can be. "i don't know what you're talking about." he shrugs and crosses his arm. like a child.

"just don't act up tomorrow and have a good nights rest. it's time all of us head to the hotels near the stadium." the older mentor walks off.

lainez sits there for a good minute, only to hear the rain start again. god damn it. no umbrella AGAIN
then he sees you, you'd have an umbrella for sure. maybe i'll just ask her for hers

"uh miss l/n..!" he awkwardly shouts to you from across the hall. getting up from his seat, he gets ready to charm his way into you giving up your umbrella. such a gentleman!

"um hi miss l/n."

"hello diego."

"rain. it's uh, raining outside."

"i know, i can see that." great I've made myself look stupid and she's treating me like a child AGAIN

"i'll cut the chase. i don't want to get sick, and i have a big game tomorrow. i didn't bring an umbrella so i was thinking i could just.." once he said his plan out loud, he realized how stupid it was. hearing it aloud changed his perspective. he frowns and continues his sentence. "i could just walk you to your car with the umbrella and use it to get to mine after.." this has no reason to be so embarrassing

"and why are you asking me?" of course you'd question it. why couldn't just accept his request this very one time? "because all my teammates are stupid like me and didn't bring an umbrella. the ones who did though, they already left." he mumbles the last part, diego swears he'd never ask a favor from you again.

"okay. i'm leaving now so let's go." you quickly walk to the main exit while diego stumbles behind you. before you open the doors, you see diego struggling to even get the umbrella open. he fidgets with the small button, not realizing that the strap that keeps it wrapped up was still attached.

you watch him fumble with the umbrella. he continues to struggle, mumbling a few sentences like 'almost there.', 'don't worry i got it.' and 'give me a second.' finally, you put your hands over his and guide it the strap. a blush from embarrassment flushes his face. "oh." is all he manages to choke out.

after he opens up the umbrella indoors, he's first to go outside. he holds it near the door entrance making sure you didn't get a drop of rain on you. you step out and you immediately guide him to your car.

once you both made your way to your car, you struggle with the keys. you struggled to see which one is the right one in the rain. eventually, you get the correct one and open the car door. you enter the door and before you close it, diego puts a hand stopping the door from shutting.

"uh, thank you miss l/n. i'll be sure to return this to you tomorrow morning." he shows a quick smile to you.

"you're welcome and you can call me y/n or miss y/n. whichever makes you most comfortable." you shut the door and prepare to drive in the rain.

he walks to his car and gets in. he's happy. happy that he didn't get wet. happy he didn't risk getting sick before a game. happy that you were also nice to him, and very patient when he struggled with the umbrella. with those many thoughts running through his mind, diego starts his car and puts on the location for the hotel.

slowly backing out his parking space, he drives off to the hotel. the rain made it hard to see but he managed, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. since the game was hosted in their city, the hotels they got were the ones near the stadium. customarily built for the mexicos men's national soccer team. that being said, it was natural that the entire front entrance was filled with paparazzis.

he slowly drives to the back of the building, trying to be discreet. the back of the hotel had a few fans waiting in the rain, and maybe two paparazzis. not to mention the body guards near the back entrance. he does a little beep to let the security know he's there and ready to be secured. diego gets out a working marker and gets ready to greet his supporters.

"who's that getting out the car?"



everything repeats the same thing. he sighs and charms them with his smile. holding the umbrella you had gave him on one hand, the other signing autographs.

"you guys going to tomorrows game?" a simple, well mannered question. only for the answer to be a bunch of screeches and teenage girls professing their love to him.

"diego lainez, there's a rumor going around you have a girlfriend. is that true?"
diego looks up in disbelief. the last girlfriend he had was five years ago and broke up with him for 'taking futbol too seriously'

"ha, i haven't had a girlfriend in the longest. maybe i'll see one of these young ladies." he winks at the small crowd of girls as they cry from joy. he smiles and waved at everyone before making his way inside.

as he's walking into the luxury hotel, he's greeted with employees asking if he needed help, and offering him to take his stuff to his room. he greets him back, and assuring he doesn't need any help. this was one of the many hotels he spent more time at then his own home. he knew his way around and the staff here. basically a second home to him and his team.

the halls to his hotel room were empty and lonely. maybe a few pottery plants in each corner, and some murals but still empty. he slides the key card to his door and walks in. diego immediately goes to the wine bar and pours himself some wine.

"here's to tomorrow's game and another night alone." he raises the glass and chugs it all, by himself.

«a/n skip if you want it isn't important. »
just wanted to say i've never seen this much action on anything i write. i don't have an actually uploading schedule, im sorry!! i'm just pooping out chapters as fast as i can but at the same time trying to put effort into all of them. thank you for reading!!

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